Dreams II

Note from Author: I have been wracking my brain trying to think up topics to blog about. As you can see from my last blog entry I haven't really had any good ideas to write. But last night, I had a dream worth blogging about. Mainly because it scares me to some extent that I could actually dream something like that.

The dream started off normal. Well, normal for me. It was still strange, but not a strange that scares me because all of my dreams have that eerie quality about them. My subconscious is strange like that. But then something happened in my dream that I have never dreamt about before. I've never even thought about this happening, which is another reason why it is so strange.

I was shot. In my dream I was shot. So was my father. I was riding on the back of a bike with my Dad, and we stopped because some guy was walking up to us talking. Then, he pulled out two guns and shot my father, then shot me in my shoulder.

I don't know in my dream if I actually died. Because now that I think on it there never was a moment when I blanked out completely with no thought. I don't even know if that's possible to have a dream where you actually die and know that you die. It's weird to think about.

Anyway, I remember being shot in my shoulder. But I don't remember pain. It was sort of calm. I remember just awaiting the shot, even though it happened so quickly, then I remember falling off the bike onto the ground. I remember when I was shot everything went black. I couldn't see anything. But I remember thinking that I was going to die, and this would be the last thing I would think about. I remember I was really tense while thinking this, and just awaiting death I suppose. Then my whole body relaxed, and I thought that I must be dead. But then I thought that if I was dead I wouldn't be thinking. So I woke up with that strange feeling in my gut that I get every time I have an odd dream.

I've googled the meaning of being shot in a dream and it gave me this:

"Dreams of being shot with a gun reflect feelings of being attacked, emotionally, in waking experience. Can you identify the attacker in your waking life? Violence in dreams is a consistent metaphor for emotional injury and pain. Dreams of being shot or attacked with a gun should not be interpreted as precognitive."

However, I don't have an emotional injury or any emotional pain. I'm as happy as a GSBian with skittles. Therefore, it can't mean that.

I wrote a Blah about this, and as I did, it made me think that maybe all this dream was about is that on this Wednesday I have to get a needle in my left arm. And that's the arm I was shot in during my dream.

Now that I think about it, I even remember thinking about the needle before I went to sleep. I was thinking about how I'm going to have something jabbed in my arm.

So maybe that's it. Maybe that's all my dream meant. I felt no fear or pain in my dream. Just the apprehension that it was going to happen. Which is what I'm feeling about this needle right now.
Posted on April 30th, 2007 at 06:26am


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