I'm having a hard time

My head is scrambled, I can't think. My uncle is dying and a part of me just wants it to be over with. I find it selfish but this is keeping me up all night. One day they call and said he's not going to make it through the night and he's lasted a fuckin' week. I'm scared and I'm not aloud to see him. I can't call him on the phone since he's too weak, he can't take letters since it's one of those heavily sanitary rooms that don't allow anything 'foreign' to enter, and I can't say good bye to him. I can't even remember if I told him that I loved him the last time we met.

I'm not used to doing this, I've never done a blog or really told people how I feel on the inside, I'm just happy-go-lucky and hyper. This is weird for me. I hope he doesn't die but I don't want him to suffer, fuck.
Posted on January 20th, 2007 at 09:44pm


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