Still oh so shallow.

People in my art class who just take the class just because they think they can do whatever the hell they want there.
You see, I want to become an artist when I grow up. I take Art for a reason. But it's extremely hard to improve or get anything decent done when you've got kids with the I.Q. of a flea (collectively) blasting crap songs from the radio and giggling about who is currently going out with who.
It annoys me that teenagers in year 9 haven't even begun to think of their future and are still concerned with material things. Pretty much ALL of the boys are planning on becoming footy stars or whatever (Some may be different, but from most of the conversations I hear, most of them are planning on a sport career.) but what if they get injured and can't do it? (This is all too likely nowadays, mostly from car accidents)
And I don't think most of the "popular" girls haven't even considered it.
They won't have anywhere else to go because they never tried in school.
I am FAR from a perfect student, but I do okay most of the time.
I can't see any future for some of the people at my school apart from a bum living in the gutter.
Too bad, so sad.
Posted on June 6th, 2007 at 06:45am


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