Abstinence and Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy seems to be a rising concern in todays soceity with the promiscuous nature of the teenage population. The glamourized importance of sex has lead to the decrease in the age at which sexual activities begin, in some cases that age being as low as 12.

No matter how determined we may be to stop this, can we? Can we make the media stop advertising sex everywhere? Do we even have the right to tell them what they can and can't produce? Can we make peer pressure cease to exist? How can we reach the teenage generation?Questions like that make this teenage pregnancy epidimic seem like something we can't stop, but I don't believe thats true.

Obviously, it would be best for teenagers to wait to have sex, wouldn't it? If they aren't having sex, they can't get pregnant or impregnate others. Abstinence has many wonderful benifits. If it was practiced by everyone until they were in a safe, monogamous relationship, unwanted pregnancies would drop drop signifigantly. STD transmission wouldn't be a problem. So I can easily see why teenagers are encouraged to practice abstinence and many are exposed to abstinence education programs through their schools. Even though abstinence is a good thing, I don't think only teaching it is a smart choice to make.

No matter how much this concept is preached at the youth, there will always be those who don't listen. In fact, according to statistics the majority of them aren't. Safe sex should be something that has more importance placed on it. In multiple health classes this concept isn't even discussed. The idea of sex is simply presented as "You're abstinent or you're just stupid." That isn't fair, because other alternatives do exist. It would be better to provide teenagers with the knowledge they need to understand sex, acting as if it is something vile and dangerous is misleading. We have to explore all of our options to deal with teen pregnancy. This isn't a subject we can afford to be idealistc about, the future of the teenage generation is at stake.
Posted on June 11th, 2007 at 02:42pm


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