Heroes: Will & steadiness

Everyday, I see blogs about teenagers having wrong heroes. It is difficult to determine a perfect hero. I adore Stephen Fry, the man who has influenced me the most. But he is gay... Some could find that bad. Or Joe Strummer, a wonderful guy. But also a drug-abuser. But I guess most of you would be fine with that. As long as it isn't a MySpace scene queen... So I decided to write about people who have impressed me in some way. They don't have to be my heroes, but they are true representatives in some virtues that I value.

Will & steadiness.

Howard Carter (1874-1939) was an English archaeologist and Egyptologist born in Kensington, England. He is most famous for his discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings, Luxor, Egypt. I got impressed by him when I watched the first episode of a BBC documentary called Egypt. He was a painter and an excellent archaeologist, but he had no luck. An American called Theodore M. Davis had a license over Valley of the Kings to search tombs, but he was only an amateur with no interest in the found artifacts, only in money. After he thought he had found Tutankhamun's tomb he went to back to America. But Carter knew that the small cache could not have been the right tomb so he decided to continue the search. Tutankhamun was his passion. But he needed funding which he found in Lord Carnarvon who was eager to supply Carter. After finally getting a license to the Valley of the Kings, the World War I started and all work was adjourn. Carter was devastated, but the war soon ended and Carter continued his work. After years of fruitless searching, Lord Carnarvon said that archeology has become an expensive game so in 1922 he gave Carter one last chance. On November 4th 1922 Carter finally found Tutankhamun's tomb. When he made a tiny hole and Lord Carnarvon asked him if he saw anything, he's reply was yes, wonderful things. He died of lymphoma at the age of 64 and this words are written on his gravestone: "May your spirit live, May you spend millions of years, You who love Thebes, Sitting with your face to the north wind, Your eyes beholding happiness" and "O night, spread thy wings over me as the imperishable stars."

I admire Carter because he had put 20 years of his life in the legend of Tutankhamun and another 15 years in finding him. He has been disappointed so many times, but yet he was eager and willing. He had a goal to score and after all those years of hard-work he did. I wish I will be like him and manage to pull that in life. More people definitely should.
Posted on June 11th, 2007 at 03:28pm


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