So technicaly tomorrow is my birthday but my age has changed already so...
YAY! I just came home from Joes Crab Shack where my dad just had to embarass me by announcing it was my birthday and they made me do a ballerina dance around the place. T_T
Well all is good. I'm one year closer to getting my liscence, being legal, and having the wonderful ability to drink and party. (too bad those years are far away) bahaha.
Tomorrow I'm going to have sort of a party here with my family and then on Saturday it's mall time with my friends, which means lots of pictures and movie watching. x)
I really hated 14, so here's to 15 being a little better.

awww, haqppy birthday. 15 is better than 14.
Kurtni, June 14th, 2007 at 11:07:22am
lol, i hope you have a great time with your friends. I know what you mean about getting your liscense, i can get mine in a few weeks, im excited as hell!
Vegemite, June 14th, 2007 at 03:11:22am