The mystery of life

Lately I’ve been thinking about life and my different theories of it. I don’t know what to believe and I’m sure I never will, but here are some of them. This next paragraph may seem off-topic but it’s really just a lead in:

There are a lot of types of people who are defined as “crazy,” and the “symptoms” vary from type to type and person to person. But you know what they’ve all got in common? They think differently. Sometimes they see and hear things that the majority cannot see or hear. Sometimes they feel things that the majority cannot see or hear. But what’s so wrong with that? Who’s to say these things don’t exist? Well, scientist’s say it’s been proven. How can you prove something about life if you don’t understand life in the first place? That’s like trying to do algebra when you haven’t yet learned arithmetic. They say certain things are diseases and certain things aren’t because it falls under a set of criteria. But it’s their criteria; it’s not mine and it’s certainly not the so-called crazy person’s.

Someone who has a split-personality apparently has a mental illness. But that’s just because they are different than most people. Maybe we really ARE two different people sharing one body, and WE are the “crazy” ones. Maybe this people are just more in touch with the universe and how it works than we are. For a lot of mental diseases, there is something wrong with the brain. Well, I don’t think it’s wrong, it’s just not average. Maybe they understand the world on a greater scale than we do, and because we’re afraid they’re a danger to society, we lock them up.

This brings me to my next point: the mystery of life.
Some of these questions are what is our purpose? What IS life, reality, and death? How did we get here? Now science can only explain so far on these things, and I for one believe that 99.9% of what we know to be fact is totally incorrect. Here are theories about life of mine, except via AIM, because I thought it would be more natural and what I and my friend, Thomas, really thought, not some manicured version of what I think (Looks long but it’s not =]):

tdaawg424 (1:54:48 AM): lol
tdaawg424 (1:54:54 AM): imagine
tdaawg424 (1:55:00 AM): every time yuo get on a train
tdaawg424 (1:55:05 AM): and yuo see all those other ppl
tdaawg424 (1:55:19 AM): were they just created to interact with you?
higginstheferret (1:55:15 AM): Yeah...?
higginstheferret (1:55:24 AM): Oh, yeah, that's SO weird.
higginstheferret (1:55:27 AM): Sometimes I wonder.
higginstheferret (1:55:30 AM): If it's all a stage
higginstheferret (1:55:34 AM): In some extravagant play
higginstheferret (1:55:41 AM): About a girl who's just confused as f**k
higginstheferret (1:55:47 AM): And the stupid stuff she does
tdaawg424 (1:55:56 AM): well
tdaawg424 (1:55:58 AM): to be honest
tdaawg424 (1:55:59 AM): i think
tdaawg424 (1:56:04 AM): im the only real pperson
higginstheferret (1:56:07 AM): Really?
tdaawg424 (1:56:11 AM): and your real
tdaawg424 (1:56:15 AM): but not to me
tdaawg424 (1:56:26 AM): and alexa is real
tdaawg424 (1:56:28 AM): but not to me
higginstheferret (1:56:26 AM): Oh... I think I understand.
tdaawg424 (1:56:34 AM): and i am in my own creation
tdaawg424 (1:56:38 AM): and as soon as i die
tdaawg424 (1:56:46 AM): everyone i know
tdaawg424 (1:56:47 AM): will die
tdaawg424 (1:56:52 AM): but in their creation
tdaawg424 (1:56:54 AM): theyll live
tdaawg424 (1:57:01 AM): but they arent real to me


tdaawg424 (2:10:19 AM): i hate when yuo open yourself up to someone and they dont get it
higginstheferret (2:10:23 AM): Yeah.
higginstheferret (2:10:27 AM): That sucks majorly.
tdaawg424 (2:10:32 AM): and you feel really stupid
higginstheferret (2:10:40 AM): And then they think you're psycho and you feel stupid
higginstheferret (2:10:42 AM): Oh, yeah
tdaawg424 (2:11:01 AM): =[ i dont thin thatll happen with you
tdaawg424 (2:11:05 AM): you seem understanding
tdaawg424 (2:11:10 AM): or at least you pretend to be
tdaawg424 (2:11:33 AM): but we dont really have power over what we understand and what we dont, its someone else choice
higginstheferret (2:11:31 AM): I try to be.
higginstheferret (2:12:05 AM): Or we're just some weird side effect of the existance of a greater being
higginstheferret (2:12:07 AM): Which would suck
tdaawg424 (2:12:23 AM): yeah
higginstheferret (2:12:26 AM): Because humans tend to think of themselves as the most important thing out there
tdaawg424 (2:12:40 AM): but were not


higginstheferret (2:15:37 AM): And imagine we ARE real, but like in a story, we're just a side character who is there for the gratification or annoyance of the main character?
higginstheferret (2:15:40 AM): That would suck.
higginstheferret (2:15:49 AM): Because it would mean nothing that we do really matters much
higginstheferret (2:15:56 AM): So what's the point of doing it.
tdaawg424 (2:17:42 AM): im afraid of life
higginstheferret (2:18:02 AM): I'm afraid I'll never understand.
tdaawg424 (2:18:21 AM): im afraid of life
tdaawg424 (2:18:27 AM): because ill never understand it
tdaawg424 (2:18:29 AM): imean
tdaawg424 (2:18:40 AM): its up to me
tdaawg424 (2:18:42 AM): what life is
tdaawg424 (2:18:46 AM): but what if i get it wrong
tdaawg424 (2:18:49 AM): and thats it
tdaawg424 (2:18:50 AM): idie
tdaawg424 (2:18:54 AM): but no one knows
higginstheferret (2:18:50 AM): Yeah.
tdaawg424 (2:18:57 AM): jsut some one else
tdaawg424 (2:18:59 AM): embodies me
higginstheferret (2:18:57 AM): I think we only get one run.
higginstheferret (2:19:08 AM): And I really don't want to f**k it up
tdaawg424 (2:19:13 AM): and noone knows the real me
tdaawg424 (2:19:14 AM): is gone
higginstheferret (2:19:14 AM): But maybe it's too late
tdaawg424 (2:19:19 AM): and will never come back
tdaawg424 (2:19:24 AM): once yuor born
tdaawg424 (2:19:26 AM): your dead
higginstheferret (2:20:41 AM): There's just birth... and then there's death.
higginstheferret (2:20:47 AM): Whoop-dee-fricking doo
higginstheferret (2:20:54 AM): What's the point?
higginstheferret (2:20:57 AM): Live, f**k die?
higginstheferret (2:21:05 AM): That's not what I want.
tdaawg424 (2:21:37 AM): and with all this going on
tdaawg424 (2:21:40 AM): there are dumb things
tdaawg424 (2:21:43 AM): like love
tdaawg424 (2:21:45 AM): that cmoe up
tdaawg424 (2:21:50 AM): and kick me in the balls
higginstheferret (2:21:50 AM): And why should it matter?
tdaawg424 (2:22:04 AM): why do i care so much
tdaawg424 (2:22:08 AM): about if a girl
higginstheferret (2:22:12 AM): Maybe we should just be like "F**k that!" and have fun.
tdaawg424 (2:22:17 AM): who probably doesnt even think for herself
tdaawg424 (2:22:23 AM): and is only created in my own mind
tdaawg424 (2:22:25 AM): doesnt like me
tdaawg424 (2:22:28 AM): and if i created her
tdaawg424 (2:22:36 AM): why would i create sorrow for myself
tdaawg424 (2:22:41 AM): is sorrow the meaning of life?
tdaawg424 (2:22:45 AM): is emotion the meaning?
higginstheferret (2:23:22 AM): Is ANYTHING the meaning of life?
higginstheferret (2:23:28 AM): Is knowledge?
higginstheferret (2:23:33 AM): Is reproduction?
tdaawg424 (2:23:45 AM): is it something simple
tdaawg424 (2:23:46 AM): like love
tdaawg424 (2:23:51 AM): or is it something complex
higginstheferret (2:23:50 AM): Or is it just about the moment.
higginstheferret (2:23:53 AM): And what you make of it.


tdaawg424 (2:24:41 AM): is the meaning of life
tdaawg424 (2:24:45 AM): making a fool of yourself
tdaawg424 (2:24:48 AM): and then lying about it
tdaawg424 (2:24:58 AM): to be more liked in the eyes of otheres
tdaawg424 (2:25:12 AM): is everyones meaning of life different
tdaawg424 (2:25:17 AM): is mine better tahn yours
tdaawg424 (2:25:22 AM): should i tell yours to fuck off


higginstheferret (2:25:43 AM): Maybe I should just lock myself up so I'm not drowned by advice
higginstheferret (2:25:53 AM): So I would come up with something all my own
higginstheferret (2:25:56 AM): That would make sense to me
higginstheferret (2:26:06 AM): And that's all that would matter
tdaawg424 (2:26:20 AM): if i thought hard
tdaawg424 (2:26:22 AM): im scared
tdaawg424 (2:26:27 AM): that what matters most to me
tdaawg424 (2:26:31 AM): is something ill never get
tdaawg424 (2:26:37 AM): and that that one thing
tdaawg424 (2:26:40 AM): is the meaning of life
higginstheferret (2:26:44 AM): Yeah.
higginstheferret (2:26:55 AM): Maybe the meaning of life is the persuit of the one thing you can;t have
tdaawg424 (2:27:02 AM): and if once i had her i d know what life was all about
higginstheferret (2:27:18 AM): Or maybe life is all about what you make it for others
higginstheferret (2:27:24 AM): Maybe if you were nice to everyone
higginstheferret (2:27:31 AM): You would know what life is
higginstheferret (2:27:39 AM): Maybe that's true happiness
tdaawg424 (2:27:44 AM): maybe if i was mean to everyone
tdaawg424 (2:27:50 AM): i wuold know what hell is
tdaawg424 (2:28:01 AM): and i think thats what happened to me
tdaawg424 (2:28:06 AM): i was mean
tdaawg424 (2:28:11 AM): so i get stuck with the meaning of life
tdaawg424 (2:28:14 AM): is
tdaawg424 (2:28:21 AM): the persuit of the one thing i cant have
higginstheferret (2:28:44 AM): Or maybe there isn;t a meaning
higginstheferret (2:28:47 AM): And we're just here
higginstheferret (2:28:49 AM): And that's it
higginstheferret (2:28:54 AM): Nothing more nothing less
tdaawg424 (2:29:01 AM): were just sacks of dead air
tdaawg424 (2:29:05 AM): and all the science
tdaawg424 (2:29:06 AM): and math
tdaawg424 (2:29:11 AM): and skills we know of
tdaawg424 (2:29:13 AM): are lies
tdaawg424 (2:29:21 AM): and just or attempt
tdaawg424 (2:29:25 AM): in making sense
higginstheferret (2:29:38 AM): That's what I was thinking the other day
higginstheferret (2:29:43 AM): Maybe we're wrong in everything
tdaawg424 (2:30:06 AM): do you know whats even scarier? in my opinion
tdaawg424 (2:30:09 AM): what if were right
higginstheferret (2:30:05 AM): And if we stopped listening to the world and from birth sat naked in a room you'd understand everything.

Thanks for reading that! It was probably very hard to follow.
I edited any cursing, very sorry if I missed anything!
Just thought this might make you think
Posted on June 14th, 2007 at 10:57pm


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