I'm happy with what I have

Some would say I've been through a lot.
Some would say I haven't been through anything yet.

I was severely unhappy for a long stretch. Maybe not the best experience for someone my age, but hey, it's over now and that's all that matters.

But what I do know is that what's been done to me or what I've done to myself has only made me stronger in the end. Maybe not happier, really, but I'm ready for the next thing that's gonna kick me in the butt.

But I'll tell you what I do have.
I DO have great friends:
The kind of people who could listen to me complain for hours and still actually care. The kind of kids who stuck with me in the worst of times, in my lowest lows. These people mean the world to me, and I would die for them. There are a lot of amazing friends, but there are two who just sail overhead, and their names are Liz and Grace. You won't read this, but just for the sake of it, I love you guys.

And you know what else?
I take less stuff for granted now. I really like where I am in life, and I wouldn't change the past even if I could. It pushed me away from some people, yes, but it pushed me closer to others.

I still like the person I did.
I'm never gonna tell her..
But I'm okay with that, I really am.
Friendship is good enough for me, and I'm not going to endanger it again.

I have a great life.
Great friends.
Great family.
And I like myself.
After all this, I really do.
Posted on June 17th, 2007 at 10:04pm


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