The Friends Who Claim Your Heart

Ever since I met her, she's always been bursting with emotion and passions. She's always been so, God, what's the word . . . she's just full of life. I don't even think there is a word for what she is. She can get me to agree with her all the time and she can persuade me to do whatever she says just by looking at me with her warm brown eyes and holding my hand. No, I'm not in love with her, like a crush. I'm in love with everything she touches, everything she influences, everything she reacts with. And that's why I love her, that's why everyone adores her - she is the one definition of life and fun, really. It's so easy for her to get involved with anything or anyone and simply no one objects because they want to find out why she thinks life is so worth living. People study her and study her and study her, trying to discover why she's so captivating. I study her as well, just watch her. It fills up my time and I don't really mind, she's so special. I've always been envious of her, that's a simple fact of life. When I first got MySpace and convinced her to get it, thinking we could both have more fun with each other, it didn't surprise me when she ended up getting 100 more friends than me in one week flat. It didn't surprise me when she added my friends and captured them with her silly antics and casual mannerisms. They always fell in love with her and out of like with me. It made me so mad at her, though. I would block her on MSN and not talk to her in school until she deleted them from MySpace - that's how jealous I was of her. I thought that if they forgot about her, they would remember me. But it's so hard to forget someone like her, someone whom is so easy to love. But I'll always forgive her and always follow her wherever she goes because I guess I hope that if I love her enough of she loves me enough, what makes her so different will rub off on me.

I guess not though, But it doesn't matter. Because I'll always love her and live for her and be envious of her. Because she's my best friend. And I'm hers. Sometimes, all I'm thankful for is that. Her.

This is about the one true person I love, Amanda.
Posted on June 19th, 2007 at 06:23pm


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