Here we go again...
What is it about summer that makes you latch onto people in a romantic, never-ever-let-me-go-ever sort of way? Is it a belated (thankes to Global Warming) Spring Fever? Every so often, I latch onto someone which becomes an infatuation and a half. It used to be someone who I could day. But this summer, it's the lovely David Tennant (See Fig.1)
FIG 1:
He's always there, just out of sight in my mind. My heart makes a silly fluttering at the mention of his name, the sight of him. I always feel stirred whenever I see a good YouTube video dedicated to him. It's so intense that anyone who crosses him I instantly just want to protect him and wish a painful death to his enemies. It's a sort of twisted Lady Macbeth mentality, I know.
I just wish I knew how to stop it. How to stop the obsession before I do something silly. I know that I haven't got a hope in Hell of ever meeting him nevermidn anything else but my heart still fatously hopes for one kiss, one hug, one look. Something that shows me that he knows and cares because I am tired of everyone around me. He speaks to me when I do not understand any other language that anyone else speaks.
Oh how hopelessly devoted.
FIG 1:
He's always there, just out of sight in my mind. My heart makes a silly fluttering at the mention of his name, the sight of him. I always feel stirred whenever I see a good YouTube video dedicated to him. It's so intense that anyone who crosses him I instantly just want to protect him and wish a painful death to his enemies. It's a sort of twisted Lady Macbeth mentality, I know.
I just wish I knew how to stop it. How to stop the obsession before I do something silly. I know that I haven't got a hope in Hell of ever meeting him nevermidn anything else but my heart still fatously hopes for one kiss, one hug, one look. Something that shows me that he knows and cares because I am tired of everyone around me. He speaks to me when I do not understand any other language that anyone else speaks.
Oh how hopelessly devoted.
Yeah I always get that but it always tends to be with people who are dead. So I'll obviously never meet them =[
Revol, July 3rd, 2007 at 01:28:45pm
Hahaha, you know I have strange little obsessions that possess me like that too. I had the same exact thing happen to me for Matt Bellamy. And that's just one =)
Funky Platypus, July 3rd, 2007 at 01:17:24pm