How do you know a good goverment from a bad one?

I had political science yesterday and the subject was the charastics of a good goverment.
I wanted to laugh at our doctor cause in my opinon there is no good goverment.
Corruption is a big part of politics, right? And it's mainly hidden so how can you judge a goverment for what it is on the outside? Serously corruption is taking it's toll on me and the injustice that's been inflicted upon the common people exculding the elite, I've even decided the write a book about it in the future but my dad advised me not to since there'll be hell to pay then and I'll probably end up like a lot of the poeple who dared to put the truth out in the open. 'Corruption is all around us and we can't do a thing about it' ? Come on that sounds like a load of crap to me. There has to be something to that can be done.

That's basically where my hate for politics (well most aspects of politics really) is coming from, which also relates to my hate of lies and hypocrisy. I genuinely feel that I am fooled for being the loyal citizen I am (not that loyal but still ..) because some types of people can get away with things that the normal person can get jailed for life for doing something half as horrible, maybe tenth!

Lies even if hidden are vile and quite frankly is a form of insulting our intelligence as people who live in countries that hide so many from us.
Posted on September 13th, 2007 at 12:02pm


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