Some guidelines for a sucessful date [mostly directed to girls]

Dates are something really exciting. You don’t really know what to expect, you maybe hope for something to develop, which may make you nervous and anxious. You think about millions of things that could happen, you don’t know what to wear, what to say, what to do. I want to try giving you a few tips for a successful date (;

First Step “ the perfect location?
I don’t believe there is something like a perfect location. It depends on what both of you are into. But here are some tips that might be helpful:
- Don’t go to his house on the first date, and also don’t invite your date to your house. Find a more neutral setting.
- Don’t just go and sit in a café. It leads to the pressure of having to talk all the time and awkward silences are most likely to occur.
- If you want to go have a coffee or something try to combine it with another activity. First go and watch a movie or something, then have a drink and talk about the movie. That’s always good because then you will always have a good subject to talk about if you’re both shy (;
- Don’t only go to the movies. (Unless you just search for someone to make out with, not for someone to be with). You won’t get to talk much.
- Try to find some activity where you can do something together. Throw paintballs at each other, go (ice) skating together or play badminton. You get to know each other in a playful way and you have fun together. That’s the first step to conquer someone’s heart (;

Second Step “ What to wear
What to wear certainly depends on where you go. Generally you have to remember not to “overdress”. Wear something comfortable, don’t show too much boobs, don’t show too much skin, but also don’t cover yourself all over. The more skin you show, the more the impression might be that you are easy to get or just look for someone to “play” with and want something fast. You should try to find the perfect middle. Also don’t use too much make-up, many guys like natural girls better. Some natural basic make-up is perfect and enough, unless a hell lot of make-up is your “style” and you always wear that much.

Third Step “ Where to meet and what to bring
If you trust your date enough to let him pick you up at home, then you could do that. Don’t let him pick you up though if you barely know him at all. The best option is always to meet somewhere outside, for example in front of a well known building.
You don’t really have to bring anything special except for yourself. Just make sure you have some basic stuff that you might need like cell phone, money, ID, tampons (would be embarrassing if you needed them and don’t have them (; ), lip-gloss, tissues…

Fourth Step “ What to talk about
As a good starter talk about something you both can relate, like how you met, or where, maybe if you went to school together, talk about school, people you both know, something like that. But make sure you don’t stay with the school subject too long. Or some people tend to talk about their job too much. That’s a no go. It might be interesting for a minute, but it gets too boring after a while. If you went to the movies first, a good start is to talk about the movie. Other than that just talk about whatever you feel like. Ask for your date’s hobbies or what music he likes. That’s something everyone knows something to talk about. If you’re really, really nervous don’t be shy about telling your date. It makes him feel more comfortable and he can help you to get more relaxed. In addition to that it also breaks the ice. You might get a “Awww don’t be” and a hug in return (;

Fifth Step “ How to say hi and how to bye
For the first hi you shouldn’t do anything exciting. A sweet hug will do. Don’t kiss him yet, it would be too early.
Now the most important thing is the good bye. If you liked the guy and want more, make sure he knows it. If he brings you to your door, don’t go inside immediately. Tell him how you liked the date, ask him for his number maybe and give him a kiss on the cheek. Play a little bit with your key, look deep into his eyes. You may kiss on the lips too, but don’t push it. You can always leave that for your second date (;

Sixth Step “ What to do when you’re back home
Wait a little and then send him a message (still on the same day), telling him you enjoyed the date. I made the experience that guys when they enjoyed it too, text you not long after the date telling you exactly that (;

The most important thing is always: stay true to yourself. Don’t think you have to pretend being something you’re not. If they don’t like you the way you are, then they aren’t a good match. You will find your true love in someone who loves you for who you truly are.

If you need more advice, I’m just a PM or comment away ; )

Good Luck (-:
Posted on December 17th, 2007 at 09:47pm


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