What I am Really Excited for This Holiday.

I used to be excited for the presents I hoped to recieve. Now the one thing I am really, really looking forward to is spending time with my family. I love going to my Grandma and Grandpa's or my Nana and Papa's house for Christmas dinner.

My dads side of the family is always at my Nana and Papa's house, and there aren't as many of us as on my mom's side. We all squeeze in their dining room, enjoying the smell of my Papa's ham and my Nana's hashbrown casserole with all its artery clogging goodness. Most Christmasses my Nana makes Pistacchio Pudding with some sort of tarte. Sometimes its Sponge Cake with stewed strawberries. You never really know what she'll concoct, but no matter what it is always delicious. Once everyone is full up, we gradually trickle into the sunroom with the fireplace roaring. The sunroom is where all my brothers and sisters toys are, with seats all around the edge. We all settle in, chat with one another, and my Uncle Artie unevitably falls asleep with his arms folded over his gut. My Papa, Uncle Doug and Daddy all taste some whisky or scotch. They all say sagely how the whisky has a peaty taste or 'has nice legs'. My mommy whips out her knitting, and my Aunt Jeanette talks about knitting patterns with her or her latest finished product. I love it all.

At my Grandma and Grandpa's house (where there is much more room) we all have dinner in the sunroom with a long table set out and hexagonal mirrors about the size of a textbook with candlesticks on them, the candles burning nicely. My Grandma is meticulous about her tablesettings and such. Most times, I go and help her set everything up since I live beside her. She has so much work to do, because my Grandpa doesn't really cook that much, his expertise is in barbeque-ing. She makes a wonderful turkey or chicken with delicious stuffing and amazing gravy. When my cousins and I are done eating, we wait to be excused and amuse ourselfes with the melted wax of the candles. Then we all slowly migrate into the living room, with a real log fire in the fireplace and jazz music playing softly in the background.

Because my dad's brother married my mom's sister (yes, it is legal..), we go to my Nana and Papa's one year, then my Grandma and Grandpa's the next. It's just that much easier. When we're done eating at the one house, we go to the other for coffee at some point.

I am so thankful my family can be together and happy.

I can't wait
Posted on December 23rd, 2007 at 02:15am


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