What's Wrong With Being So Well Liked?

Disclaimer: This blog is not directed at everyone or everyone who has ever complained about people who are popular. Do not take this personally. And of course not every popular person acts like this or wears what is mentioned. But I'm just using it as a most common stereotypical view of them in order to make a point. When I say “you” I don’t mean you. I’m just talking to mainly the people who have written these blogs. You know who you are. No need for names :]

I’ve seemed to read a lot of blogs hating the “popular” kids in there school. But I honestly don’t get it. Most of the points that GSBians make are things like they shop at Abercrombie and they are rich and they have sex all the time. Still…I don’t get it? Why hate them for that?

You hate them because they discriminate against you because you wear black and listen to MCR. Yet you are discriminating against them because they were pink and listen to 50 Cent. What’s the difference?

You don’t like them because you think they are bitches. They look down on you and now they are a bitch? You look down on them…aren’t you a bitch to? You are hating them fore the same things that they hate you for.

Guess what? I'm probably one of you sterotypical "popular" girls. The ones that you would seen on the film Mean Girls. I think Ambercrombie and Hollister have some very pretty clothes. I listen to Emniemn and enjoy him. I come off as stuck up to new people. I'm very well liked in my school. But you don't think that I have haters? You don't think that of course I go through drama just like you not-so-popular kids do? I spend hours getting ready, and yes my hair is a big deal. I might be a bitch...but its not because of these things.

Yes of course you aren’t going to love each and every one of them as a person. But have you ever gotten time to talk to those people you hate so much? You aren’t judging them based on them…just what you hear they do. Or what they think of you. Or what they wear. Or who they hang out with. That’s the same thing you complain about them doing to you…so you do it right back?

What’s wrong with being popular? What’s wrong with shopping at Hollister? What’s wrong with listening to Boys To Men? Lets take away all those things and look at these “nasty populars” as a person. You don’t know anything about them…and they don’t know anything about you. None of you have the right to hate each other.

Another point I’ve read people bring up is that they all act the same. They all dress the same. They all look the same ect. So…they all shop at American Eagle and have their hair the same way and seem like almost the same person…what’s the problem? Do you know how many times I’ve heard little 14 year old girls run around with their friends and call themselves emo?. They look the same. They both wear all black and listen to MCR. They just enjoy different things than these “dirty populars”. So what’s the problem.

These "populars" are popular for a reason. And if its the fact that you are just jealous...than thats fine. But don't blame them for discriminating you if you do the same thing back. A person is a person and should be judged that no matter if they are hated by everyone or loved by everyone. They are popular for a reason...just because you can't see it doesn't mean you have to go on and on about how much you dislike them.

No, being “punk”, or “scene”, or “emo” does not make you different. No, being a “jock” or a “prep” or a “nerd” does not make you different.

Personally, being “different” is so much of a trend now, everyone is to afraid to be themselves because being themselves might mean sharing some common interests even with these blasted “emos” or stuck up “preps.”

Being different is being yourself. Because no matter how hard someone tries...no one is the same. Period.

All opinions, arguments, agreements so on and so forth are welcomed :]
Posted on January 6th, 2008 at 08:41pm


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