Red Flag

"Build a ladder if there's a wall,
Don't be afraid to slip and fall"
-Red Flag-Billy Talent

You know how there's one song that you can listen to over and over again. No matter what mood you're in, no matter what time of day it is, no matter where you are, you can always listen to it, and no matter what you'll find yourself singing every word to that song. Even if you're listening to it on your MP3 player in the middle of seventy minute maths.
Billy Talent's Red Flag is that song for me.
I don't know what it is about that song, btu since the moment I heard it, its never left my mind or my lips. Not a day goes by when I don't scream it at the top of my lungs. Its te song I sing when i want to get a really annoying one out of my head, its the song I sing when I know every else around me will start singing along to, its the song thats gonna pick me up from my knees and inspire me to run through hell's gates and take on the devil himself.
I had the opportunity to see Billy Talent live, but that was before I even knew what Billy Talent was, (due to unforseen circumsatnces I never went) it would have been mind blowing to have my first introduction to Billy Talent in the mosh pits as everyone around me screamed out the wrods to every song as I heard them for the first time. Since I missed the concert I decided to find out what kidna music I missed out on, I downloaded Red Flag. By the next morning I knew every word to the song.
It wasn't long before I had both BT albums and had seen every video, either live show or film clip, on YouTube. I'd fallen in love with BT and their music had changed my life.
But the stand out song for me was and always will be Red Flag, hell I even made my own red flag and am yet to write the lyrics to the song on it.I sing it so much one of my best friends can sing the chorus to it, without ever hearing the song. I dont know if its because I never let anyone become connected to the song, so no matter what chagnes in my life its only gonna have good memories, maybe its because it feeds on my dreams of revolution, maybe its simply because it was the first song I heard, Ill never know. But all I know is that that song is my anthem, adn I'll never stop singing it.

"Cast off the crutch that kills the pain,
The Red Flag waving never meant the same.
The kids of tommorow don't need today,
When they live in the sins of yesterday"
-Billy Talent-Red Flag
Posted on January 16th, 2008 at 06:19am


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