We might have to move. Because we might lose the house.

My dad has a gambling addition that no one does anything about. That and a smoking addiction. My brother owns our house and we need like $8000 in a week or we need to sale our house. If my dad paid like $300 a month to my brother this would be fine. So stop smoking and he'd be good to go basically.

But NO. He has to smoke even though I could end up on the street with mom. He has some where to go. We don't. He smokes even though I have asthma and can't breath. I end up on the floor coughing at times due to it. Hes all "Take some cough syrup.".

My mom says nothing. I don't know what to do. I can't speak up against him,I'm the child hes and adult. Parents have the right to spank a child anyways for backtalk and sass.

He goes gambling EVERY week with his boss,Dave. I'm tired of it too. I see my dad 3-4 days a week usually. We walk around on egg shells constantly. I'm afraid to talk to him usually. I don't even usually eat in the same room as him. I come in to the computer desk and eat in silence. That or I don't eat.

He also makes smartallec remarks to us. He called me fat before. He tells me to shut up and that I don't know things a lot of the time or I don't understand. Also he tells me what happens in the family isn't any of my business because I'm just a child.

I just wish he'd leave and not come back one day some times. I know it sounds bad but,hey how else am I going to live?
Posted on February 16th, 2008 at 07:35pm


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