Ohhhh boy.

Again with the GSB wars? I know I missed something last night, and despite my overwhelming curiousity (I'm a busybody), I feel like I don't even want to know what happened.

But I do. So someone's gotta fill me in. Other than that, I have some stuff I'd like to say:

What. The. Hell. All of a sudden we're establishing cliques and rules? I mean, I love Funky Platypus, but Jesus Christ on a cracker!

"Woo there are groups on GSB!" Get over it. I mean yes, people in Blah Blahs can get on one's nerves quite easily, but now they're sluts? Dood. And yes, there are people who write the most brilliant, amazing stories and blogs and get no attention. But why not just recommend their stuff to other people instead of whining? Gawd I'm a hypocrite, because now I'm whining.

See? This whole mess has got Sruti all confused. And now she's talking in third person!

When I first joined, I saw the ideal place. People like me who don't fit into any clique. People who just hang out with their awesome friends and joke and love music and art. Just average Joes and Janes. Smart people, funny people, sarcastic people, artistic people. You know? Not one of the people I first talked to (and some I still talk to) put themselves into a label or category. They didn't know or care what label/clique they were. I always wanted a label, but I'm still looking for some of my screws. And then all of a sudden, well, gradually, GSB becomes clique-world. And now people are carefully outlining each one.

I mean, I see that there are divisions, that GSB is probably one of the scenest places on the internet, but do we have to define it? Forgive me if none of this makes sense, I'm just confused and a teeny bit annoyed.
Posted on February 12th, 2007 at 06:04am


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