Moments like this...

It can all end so fast. It can all be over soon. We always live with the thought that nothing bad is gonna happen to us. We all think it's others who bad things happen to. All the negative news is always so far away. And suddenly you are inside of one of those stories that you hear about in the news all the time. Suddenly those bad things are so close, so real.

You see yourself sitting there, restless, playing with your thumbs. Your fingers are wet, your forehead warm and your heart is racing. Your thoughts won't seem to rest and only revolve around this one thing: Where is she? Is she ok?

You think about the time you spent with that person, you think about the good and the bad times. You think about your plans, what you wanted to do together in the future. And suddenly all this seems gone? From one second to another?

Minute for minute, hour for hour your heart starts to beat faster and faster. It's been two days now, you get more and more scared. So many thoughts are running through your head. What could have happened? You read the postcard you got and interpret all weird kinds of things into them. She wrote about a guy, maybe he kidnapped her. She wrote about wanting to stay there, maybe she decided to run away.

All you want is to have her save, to know she's back home. And then, when you don't expect it you get the news: She's home. She's safe and everything is ok.

Moments like that make you realize once more that life is short. And life is full of surprises, both negative and positive ones. There are so many things that can chance your life in one second. I have learned that you only live once and I treasure each moment that I have with my friends and family.

If you want to do something really bad, do it. Don't wait too long because that moment might never come back. Don't waste your time. Treasure the time you have with your beloved ones, and live it at 100%. I have started to live like that, and the past days have convinced me even more that things can change way too fast.

Posted on March 31st, 2008 at 02:32pm


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