Be confident

I’ve written this blog a while ago. It’s not one of my favourite ones when it comes to writing style. But I like the message, I guess. It was written more like a rant so I hope it makes any sense. I got more or less inspired by blogs people wrote about about their insecurities. Feedback appreciated (:

Growing up is not an easy thing to do. You have to face so many changes and you find yourself faced with more and more problems. Teenage years are some of the hardest years in your life. You are faced with self-doubts. You feel like no one really gets you, no one seems to understand you. You wished you had more control over your life.

Tears run down your face as you wish you could be someone else. But you know what: being yourself is the most amazing thing you can be. You’re worth so much more than just being someone’s copy.

You’re an individual and there is no one in this world that can replace you. People might wear the same clothes or have the same styles but in the end you still are one of a kind. Never think of yourself as someone unworthy. Never think of yourself negatively.

Many teenagers are insecure about their outer appearance. My most important tip is the following: wear whatever feels good for you. Don’t go out and buy clothes that you think may make you “cooler” but that you feel uncomfortable with. In addition to that, your body is growing, you skin may not be soft and your hips have some kilo too much. You know what, skinniness does not always look pretty.

Always stay true to yourself. People who like you because you pretend to be someone you’re not are no real friends. They don’t like you, they just like what you seem to be. Go out and look at all the people out there. Each and everyone have insecurities. Some may be better in hiding them, others may not. It’s all about how you feel about yourself.

Also, don’t always concentrate on what you don’t like about yourself. Find out the things that you love about yourself. For example, I don’t like my hips because I feel like they’re too big. And I am way too shy. But I love my eyes for example, or my lips. So I point out those for example by putting make up on that supports my face. I also like about myself that I’m easy to get along with.

If you really want to change something about yourself you can do it. But always stay true to yourself. For example, I try to not seem that shy. I try talking to people more and I got a job in the promotion business. That helps me a lot.

As you can see, you can overcome your insecurities. It’s all about how you sell yourself. If you act insecure people will consider you insecure, too. If you try to act confident, people might get a different view of you. Nevertheless, don’t change who you are. But you should try to get a better confidence about yourself.
Posted on April 17th, 2008 at 01:35pm


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