Thank You.

Dear You-Know-Who,
If you don't mind, I'd like to take a few minutes to thank you for many things.

Thank you for giving birth to me.
Thank you for taking me to the zoo when I was a baby because you knew how much I loved animals.
Thank you for helping to get all those splinters out.
Thank you for making all the boo-boos not hurt anymore.
Thank you for leaving for 3 years when Jess was born.
Thank you for introducing us to a new friend: alcohol.
Thank you for trashing my room when I was 7 because you got in a fight with him.
Thank you for fighting with him over and over again.
Thank you for calling me a useless failure when I was 11.
Thank you for spilling wine on the keyboard over and over again.
Thank you for coming to our softball and baseball games drunk out of your mind.
Thank you for passing out in my room.
Thank you for fighting with her, calling him a failure, making the other him cry, and moving out.
Thank you for moving to the other side of town.
Thank you for not calling me until 2 weeks after the fight.
Thank you for not speaking to your oldest daughter in almost 3 years.
Thank you for not trying to reconcile with him.
Thank you all the wonderful memories.

Thank you for opening up my eyes.
Posted on June 9th, 2008 at 01:13am


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