8/12/08 - My Public Diary

Wow. Today made me smile, cry, and just pain laugh. One day I never want to forget.

Today was crazy. Here's what happened at about 1 pm. :]

So I went to go get my allergy shots, right? So me and my aunt are in the car, driving, driving, driving and then I told her I forgot the insurance thing. And she said it's ok cause whenever we get forget it, they say, oh it's ok, just bring it next time. and then we go and my aunt told them and this time they said, " Oh we can't do the shots without the insurance. You wanna drive home and go get it?" and our house is like 30 minutes away. So we get in the car, we're driving, driving, driving and we get home. I run inside to go get the insurance thingy and then I get back into the car and we're driving, drivivng, driving. and then there was a buncha traffic on the road we were suppost to go on cause there was a car accident. so then it passed so we get back to the clinic thing and we give it to them. and this time, there were like 50 people there so we waited. and after 20 minuets, they called us up and told us my vile thingys were expired and we had to come back on thursday. And now, my aunt's mad and she wants to go to quiznos so we get in the car, we're driving, driving, driving, and then the one we go to is out of buissness so we had to drive to the one across town. and we get there i got a big cookie and my aunt got whatever and when i went to go refill my drink, i saw this old lady with a bag and you know how the silverware and stuff are stacked right? Well she took handfulls of plastic spoons and forks and put it in her bag. xD and then she just walked out the door. and then me and my aunt went home.

And Somewhere in between I was talking to my friend, Skylar.

I just randomly commented her on here and told her to read my blog cause there was this part about her. And it touched her. But she didn't slap me. xD (Inside joke, you'll get it if you read her blog.) And like It was the first time we talked in like a while but it was nice?
And we became apart of eachothers family and stuff.

But here's the down side...

I've relized that nothing lasts forever and everything's gotta end. And these people. All these people i've met online are amazing. And today, as I was reading people's blogs about what's gonna happen after GSB and all that fun stuff and it really opened my eyes. I was talking to my best friend, Sam who I met online on myspace and I told her that I thought of something depressing and she asked what and I said:

like you know how one day far from now, we're all gonna get lives and not go online? and we'll all delete our myspaces and stuff cause you're just growing up? And then one day, we'll all forget eachother and move on? And your closest friends online will one day forget you? I don't want that to happen. Well one day i know, sadly, that i'll forget you but i don't want that to happen. =/ So imma get the chance to say ily! and yes i'm crying.

and she replied:

omg thats so tru
i love u 2
omg im starting 2 cry 2

Yeah I know, we're such big babies. But I've never though something like that would ever happen, ya know? And if you think about it, It's so sad. All your friends just dissappear and there's no way you could bring them back. So I made a motto:

Cherish and Never Forget

I Cherish Everyone I Met Online and May I NEVER Forget.
I Love You Guys
And I Hope One Day I'll Meet Some of You in Person. :]
Posted on August 12th, 2008 at 09:51pm


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