Dear Kurt Cobain

I'm writing this to let out how I feel about you and how much you mean to me, even if I never knew you personally. You have made me feel good with everything I've learnt from you and about you. You've taught me to not care about what people think of me, even if its my own sister. You've taught me to respect music the way you respected music. You've taught me that you don't friends in your life. You've taught me so much and it's helped me a lot. My sister says you won't want me to kill myself when I'm 27, but what does she know? Most of my family doesn't give a damn about me, that's why I turned to you and your music, you and your music is good company and friends. When I meet you in the afterlife there's one thing I want to ask you: Did you kill yourself or were you murdered? I will always respect you if you did kill yourself. By the way your daughter is very pretty, she looks so much like you, but nothing like Courtney. No offense but I don't like Courtney very much. I hope I'll be happy in 12 years, I'm going to meet you and a lot of other people I look up to. I hope that we'll be friends in the afterlife. I've always thought you were very handsome, but I never knew you that well to say so much about you, sorry. See you in 12 years.
Love Bronwyn

This is a very private letter that I have never shown anyone. I wrote it a few months ago, I've kept it hidden in a Nirvana DVD case. Some of it is a little corny, but that's what I'm like sometimes lol. Hope you liked it
Posted on August 17th, 2008 at 09:05am


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