I Know I Will Meet My Fate.

Flying high, soaring through this chaos amongst the great white sea of clouds, scarring my vision of what lies ahead. Swoops and dives; and turns and twists: leading me to the fate I've been told of all these years. My mind turns to torment, it turns and twists like the plane I have this vast control over. My enemy is facing me off, heading straight for me. My wife, my kids, my mother and my father: they all flash before my eyes as I duck and dive, aim and shoot. I hear my daughter giggling as I play with her in the morning before I leave, my son smiling contently away in his cot. My wife took it hard, weeping on my pressed uniform, decorated in badges, medals: recognising my bravery and courage but none of it relates me to this. This feeling of guilt, leaving them. The clouds part as the seas did for Moses. The machine I'm control surges into action, cruising through this chaotic scene with a wish for my life to be different. I swerved and swiped, attempting to balance my thoughts: rationalize. Anything seemed possible right now. I spotted my base far below but not before I noticed an enemy pilot swoop into view. I was hit. How quickly things could change, catch you off guard completely and send things out of control completely. Spiralling, falling gracefully from the heavens above, the flames flew and spat as we tumbled. I cried for my family: my wife and children. They knew I loved them and had been doing what I loved when all came crashing down. I met the fate they said I would. I'm another soldier to add to the dead, I'm another brave man willing to risk it all for the better good of his country. I'm just another airman, jsut another name, another face. Another soldier to have met his fate.

i'm not sure about this, i just felt the need to write somethingg. opinions please
Posted on October 21st, 2008 at 03:42pm


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