My boyfrined's step dad
Okay, for those of you who don't know me, I have a boyfriend who is 18, going to be 19 in January, and his step dad beats him up every once in a while. It makes me so angry.i asked him why he hasn't told anyone, and this is his answer: "I don't want my little brothers to grow up without a dad and I don't want my mom to be mad at me." I alsmost cried whenever I heard him say that. It was so selfless and it came straight from his heart. YOu see, my boyfriend is the type of guy who puts others before hismelf. His step dad, on the other hand, doesn't do that. If anything, he does the exact oopposite. He slashed D's tires on his '68 mustang just because his step dad thought that he had taken his keys or something like that. (The '68 mustange belongs to D) Then, soemtimes his tep dad will just go ahead and punch him in the face for no apparent reason. It makes me mad whenever D tells me about all of this. I want to just go over to D's house and punch his step dad. But enough about what I want to do. Any way, I hope that D someday udnerstands that this is not normal treatment. I love him so much and this jsut isn't fair. It makes... Never mind. Thank you for reading this. I appreciate it very much .Please feel free to leave any comments.