Harsh reality

I really need to realize the reality of things.

When I write in a roleplay or one of my stories, or even when I read a story for that matter, I get sucked in deep. I start to think like the character, and wish I was them. Don't get me wrong, I love my wonderful imagination, but it paints hopeful pictures in my mind. Things I can't afford to think because of the fact that they'll never happen.

But when I come out of it I realize just how much I wish life were like that; where people have a meaning to what they're doing instead of aimlessly wandering around in the world with no purpose at all. That's like me; I have no purpose. I know, I shouldn't expect to know at my age, but honestly, I don't have much choice. The chances of me having the future I want as a musician are very slim, and if I don't make it, then what? I don't want a family. I don't want kids; I hate taking care of little kids. They irritate the crap out of me, sorry to say.

I almost find it painful to look at my own life anymore because I can see people around me having the life Iwanted and the one I'd do anything to have. I probably sound like a brat and you're probably thinking "well work for the life you want". You know what? I'd love that. I really would. But the things I want in life, money can't buy. I want friends at school. I want a guy to care for me as much as I care about him. I want to be able to have confidence in my future.

How can I be happy when the life I want is walking down the halls in the form of so many of my classmates? It's like one dog looking at a bunch of others dogs eating a steak. You can't do anything but wish it was you.

((Uh, well, this was a blah but somebody advised me to make it a blog 'cause of its length so... yeah, here it is.))
Posted on January 1st, 2009 at 07:54pm


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