You weren't supposed to hear that...

Sequel to harmless little comments.

Don'tchya hate it when people talk about you behind your back or like you're not there?

I remember one time me and my friend went to the bathroom simultaneously. It was one of those random, "oh my gosh, we both did the same thing!" kinds of things. Like, we both wanted to get away from our classes for a little while.

So we sorta struck up a random conversation full of inside jokes.

There were lots of rumors going around that we were a couple. We were a couple - a couple of good friends. (yes, I had to be a little smartass)

I walked out and on my way to chorus I stopped to get a drink. As I was bent over the water fountain, my face obscured by my hair and the dark colors of my clothing blending in with my surroundings, some girl runs down the hall screaming, "Oh my God, [two random girls' names]! I just saw [my name] and [friend's name] in the bathroom together!" like it's some big freakin scandal. Woohoo.

So I stood up and looked at her (I noticed that her buddies were silently telling her to shut the hell up but she didn't get it because she's not that smart) and she got all scared and started stammering and going crazy with the fear of what I would do to her.

So I gave her my "I'll get you" look that would scare the crap outta Hellboy and walked coldly into the chorus room.

One of many examples.

And if I ever confront someone on what I heard, they only say "Oh, well, you weren't supposed to hear that."

It's not all bad though. For a pessimist, I'm pretty optimistic. (lol, I had to do that)

Like yesterday, for example.

I was in health class and I was supposed to be staring at pictures of the male genitals and marking down what every part was. As if!

I ended up using the entire period to get a rough sketch off the top of my head of Haruhi Fujioka from the anime/manga Ouran High School Host Club.

Once it started looking pretty decent (I have low self-esteem so if I think something I drew is decent other people think it's f*cking amazing - even more than when I think I drew something that completely sucks) everyone else in the class kinda stopped working too. I'm in that seat where nearly everyone in the classroom but the teacher can see what I'm working on. So I heard a lot of things being whispered.

"She's really good!"
"I wish I could draw like that!"
"Wow, that's amazing!"
"How's she do that?"
"She should be an artist."

I felt pretty damn good about myself.

One person came up to tell me she thought it was good, but she said it in a real nasty way (she's one of the worst people alive). After class a ton of girls came up to me and started complimenting my doodle, saying I should be an artist. (it took me about 47 minutes, so I guess it can't really be counted as a doodle, but oh well) I told them, "It's just crappy fanart!" But they were still impressed.

So when people talk behind my back, it's either horrible lies about me, a party I wasn't invited to that they don't want me knowing about, talking about how much they hate my guts for no reason, or complimenting me, something they, for some reason, are too afraid to actually say to my face most of the time.

Or they're planning something for me, like a surprise or something.

My conclusion: Rumors suck. Compliments are awesome.

**if anyone wants to see my Haruhi picture I drew or the Honey picture my teacher hung up (which they stopped doing in first grade - supposedly) just message me and I'll scan it and put it in my gallery or on Photobucket or something and I'll send it to you or whatever.**
Posted on February 13th, 2009 at 11:53pm


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