Step Devil

I can't take it anymore.

Being yelled at, threatened, insulted. Every fucking day it happens and I CAN'T TAKE IT.

I've been saying for the past ten years: It's either him or me.

My mom won't divorce him. I'm not allowed to kill him. I can't call the cops.

So what does that leave?

I could run away, but they'd find me.
I could call the cops, but if they do take him away I'll have nowhere to go.
I could live with my dad or grandma, but my mom won't let me leave.
So where does that leave me?

What other choice do I have?

He called my dad today to complain about God knows what. Calling me a bitch and saying he can't take it?

And when I tried to call my mom he ripped the phone out of my hand and said, "She's busy."

His son took my candy, so I said, "David, don't take other peoples' things. Give it back." And his son starts freaking out and crying and screaming. Then he comes in and flips out on me, screaming, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM? DAVID, WHAT THE FUCK DID SHE DO TO YOU?" and he said, "Sh-she tried to take this candy bar!" I told him it's mine and he had no right to take it and he starts flipping out on me and threatening to punch me in the face and put me in the hospital and stuff like that.

I can't fucking take this any more. What can I do? He's not a step dad, he's a step devil. If it's him or me and he won't go, what does that leave?

People always say there's a light at the end of every tunnel. But for the past ten years I've been stuck in this tunnel, and whenever I think I'm finally out a new one just begins. I can't stand another five years in this abysmal tunnel. I've wanted to die since I was six years old, three years into it.

Now I probably won't get Michael back today like I was supposed to.

I've tried and tried to find good, but every time I do he rips it away from me.

He takes my computer.
He bans my friends from the house.
He puts me under house arrest.
He lets his son trash my room and grounds me if it isn't clean.
He takes away the phone.
He takes my CDs.
He takes my iPod.

He's threatened to make me sleep in the shed, said he hopes I roll in dog crap, told me to go get lost in the woods, yelled at me for going to the bathroom.

He lets his son slam doors and blames it on me. He lets his son trash the house and blames it on me. He lets his son do everything and I get blamed.

He accuses me of things. He says I'm a stripper or a porn star. He says I touch myself. He says I pose naked in front of my webcam. He says I'm lying when I'm not. He says I don't do things I do. He says I do things I don't.

I'm never good enough. I can't take it anymore.

So this may be my one final blog. If there's no light at the end of this tunnel...
Then I'll just have to see where I go from there.

I want to keep going, but I might've run my race. I want to stay but going's inevitable.

But I will live to blog again. Nothing will stop me.

Though I might be blogging from a cell in Juvenile Hall.

But wherever this winding road takes me, wherever this tunnel ends, I know I can count on my friends.

And no matter how hard he tries, that's one thing he can never take away from me.
Posted on February 14th, 2009 at 02:31pm


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