Showers and Bunnies? Wtf?

Okay, this may be the randomest blog with the interestingest (yes I just made up a stupid word - I am a 'kindergartener' after all *see my Usa-chan blog for explanation*) title ever.

So, what do I mean by showers and bunnies?


Whenever I get into the shower I just sorta stand there and let my mind wander. It lets my thoughts just sorta go undisturbed. I sometimes shower in a bathing suit just cuz I can and end up thinking. Whenever I can think like that, completely undisturbed, sometimes even until all the hot water runs out, I feel a lot better and there's like, nothing on my mind anymore. It feels nice because I always have so much on my mind it's like I live in La-La Land with a seemingly perpetual headache. (My nickname was once the "Supreme Monarch of LaLa Land because of how much I'm there)

The problem is whether or not I can keep hold of these thoughts.

Sometimes I'll actually be paying enough attention to what's going on in my head to have good ideas for songs and stories and poems and drawings and stuff. But the real problem is once I have them I can't let them go, can't let my thoughts wander too far. It bites.

Speaking of bites, now we get to the bunnies part.

Sometimes I'll get ideas for a new chapter of whatever story I'm working on. It's pretty cool, I must admit. I have this good idea about nap time I will put into effect. (no dirtiness implied in case any of my perverted friends are reading this! They know my username!)

But sometimes bad things happen. (again, not dirty!)

See, I am a bunny lover to the core. I love bunnies. I just simply adore them. They are waaaaaayyy too cute for their own good. I've always loved bunnies and I expect I always will.

But there's some bunnies that aren't so great.

I'm speaking, of course, of plot bunnies.

Now, plot bunnies aren't all that bad - when you can multitask as a writer. But I have to be focusing on one story at a time and once I get an idea that's too good to pass up - unless it's a oneshot - whatever I was originally writing gets forgotten on my hard drive or my book shelf to be resumed again five or so years later.

And today I was bitten by a plot bunny.

A plot bunny too good to pass up.

The good (and bad) news is that I can't find a way to start it and I don't know how to put it into words. It's good because I'll focus more on my Honey story but bad because it was a really good plot bunny. Also it'll drive me crazy until I write it down and I'll start dreaming about it and stuff, like an obsession. But I like being crazy-obsessed with my current story! The plot bunny was about South Park - a Style fic (Stan/Kyle). I like my Honey story, though!

This kinda sucks. But I guess plot bunnies aren't so bad, ne?

Eh. I'm off to bed. I get to flip people AND fake my own death on the football field tomorrow if the weather's good! (I've got self-defense) Smile
Posted on March 5th, 2009 at 11:32pm


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