
So, I'm sure (if you're one of the many unlucky souls that actually reads my blogs, lol) that you're aware of my living arrangements.

If not, let me bring you up to speed:

My stepdad is very evil. He doesn't like my friend because he thinks she 'smells funny', calls all my friends fat, accuses me of being gay (he's kinda half right on that one), criticizes me on everything (especially the things he has no right to criticize me about), and is just... ugh.

Well, I'm sure you also know, you poor unlucky peoples, that I've been tryign to get the hell out of my mom's house for a while.

I think they're trying to get me to change my mind about that.

First I had to stay at my dad's house for four days because my cousins and aunt stayed over. It turns out that my one cousin turned out to be a total... "female dog". She pretty much physically abused me and said I draw like a two year old and can't sing Green Day songs. Grr Of course, whenever I tried to defend myself from her physical or wordical (that is a word now) attacks, I got in trouble. Go figure.

Then, the next week, my dad comes to pick me up, and says oh-so-casually, "Oh, and by the way, before you freak out, we gave Kevin your bed." Apparently he's getting to big for his bed, so he gets mine. Now, granted, I have bunk beds (well, had), but they took the one I use, and I can barely sleep at their house anymore!

Then my dad had the nerve to get mad at me because I was upset about it!

I'm sure you know how I felt, though. It's not that I'm a "selfish brat who doesn't know how to share." First of all, since when is having your bed literally given to your little brother sharing? They just took it and moved it to his effing room!

It's more the fact that they just took it without asking me. They admitted to me that they knew it would be hard for me, but Kevin apparently "doesn't have a lot of room". It's like, did you ever get that feeling that a sibling is way more important to your parents than you are? Cuz that's how I feel a lot. Oh, Kevin gets my bed, which he won't use anyway because he never sleeps in his own damned room. No big deal.

Anyways, my mom got kinda sick of me, so I'll be staying with my Gammy for the rest of this week. So far, that isn't working out either. She doesn't have internet! D: (I'm home for tonight)

I love how if I ask for a bass guitar, it takes three years before they finally say, "Only fi you buy your own." But they ask David what he wants for his birthday and he says "A drum set!" And I swear, five people were fighting over who got to get him one. My f*cking door is broken because of that little twat, and he still gets everything! I wasn't allowed to go to the library until David decided he wanted a SpongeBob book. With my library card, of course.

So... yeah. I'm feeling really neglected and unloved right now. Molly

Oh, and my friend's allowed to talk about how excited she is to be able to go to high school and hang out with her drummer friends, but as soon as I say I need to find friends that I can talk to about stuff like my favorite slash pairings for Axis Powers Hetalia, she gets all pissed off at me and says I don't want to be her friend or some shit like that. Not to mention my family's just throwing me around like a f*cking used rag.

Unloved. Put down. Neglected. Sigh.
Posted on June 17th, 2009 at 01:27am


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