Happy Birthday to Me

Well, I just got home and I was moderating the blogs when I realized it had been quite some time since I actually posted one, so I decided that would be a fun thing to do.

It's now 11:55 pm and I turn 15 in about 5 minutes. However I got stuck babysitting on my birthday (which is lame beyond all reason) so I celebrated it tonight. It was originally planned that my friend Brittany was throwing my party at her house while her mom was gone; well her mom came home early. She isn't the kind of mom you party with to say the least. Plan B was to spend all night with my amazing boyfriend, which I will say is what I prefer to do anyways.

We went to the movies and saw Bridge to Terabithia, which was a great movie.I've been in love with that book since 4th or 5th grade.Then we left the movies and chilled at his house and watched Jackass. Somehow we lost track of time and I totally ended up blowing off my curfew, and if tomorrow (well, if in 2 minutes) it wasn't my brithday I'd more than likely be grounded for a month seeing as how I got home over an hour late.

So, now I turn 15 in only a matter of seconds. I really don't feel any older to be honest, which may be due to the fact that I'm very tired and I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open at all. I don't really want to feel any older actually, Im pretty content where Im at. Not all teenagers, but alot of them try and grow up too fast. I won't say that doesn't make sense; it does. They want to be 18, they want to be mature. They want to feel important; grown up.

Alright, so I'm now officially 15. Makes me feel all jumpy, literally actually. I evidently set the alarm on my phone to go off at midnight and I forgot and when it went off I jumped a little. It's keeping me awake, I think I'll just keep letting it ring for awhile.
Posted on March 10th, 2007 at 01:07am


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