A cry for help, a cry of insanity....

I have went since July without messing around with Ryan. Until today. My relationship with Ryan has been going on for a year now. It started out as a friendship, became an unofficial relationship, went back to a friendship, then unofficial relationship, and since July we've been just friends. Until today.

I don't know why this happened. I swore this year I wouldn't so much as touch Ryan. And I had been doing so good. More importantly, I told myself I wouldn't mess around with a guy unless I was dating him. And I am definitely not dating Ryan...I probably never will.

Ryan is usually boring and immature for a 22 year old. Even worse, he is probably the biggest dick I know. His favorite past time (other than playing Call of Duty 4) is getting on a website called Myyearbook and finding girls (usually 18 or 19 year olds), leading them to believe he likes them, making them totally and completely fall for him, sometimes dating them, then freaking out on them and deleting them from all of his social networking profiles and ignoring all texts. He is a total liar and a doucebag. When I met him he tried doing that to me. But I am smarter than those girls and refused to let him treat me like crap. He'd delete me and then he ALWAYS comes back to me. I don't know what it is about me but all I have to do is ask him why the f*ck he deleted me and he apologizes. Or I leave him alone for a couple weeks and he comes crawling back. So our friendship has lasted over a year now and has rotated from just friends to something more several times. And now I'm back to square one giving myself to a guy not even worth my time.

I think I just have low self esteem. Or I crave,uh, what he has to offer. I know I sound like a whore right now...but trust me, I'm not. We don't have sex. Well, not really. But now I don't know what to do. I have reverted to my old self, the one that is worthless and stupid.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about my emotional status when it comes to boys. I agree with all of you who have commented my numerous "boy" blogs. I am totally not ready for a relationship. I still think about Storm everyday of my life. I dream about him. I cry when I see pictures of us. I cry when I think of him. Its been over a year now. He's been with his girlfriend for a year and he hasn't talked to me since February or March. Yet I am still hung up on him. I don't know how to get over him.It is so bad that I was thinking about Storm and comparing Ryan to Storm the entire time we were fooling around. I was even imagining he was Storm part of the time. I think I am losing my mind. I think the only reason I was with Ryan tonight was because I have been missing Storm so much lately, if that makes sense.

I don't know what to do, I am so confused with life right now. I am beginning to think Storm was it, he was my one and only true love. That sounds so stupid, but what else can explain this? This isn't normal, its been over a year and I am still in love with him, still torn up, still crying at least once a week because we are not together. The saddest part is I was the one who broke up with him, I was the one who decided to fool around with Austin and then brag to Storm about it when I knew Storm was still in love with me. I was the one who f*cked it all up on purpose and I have been denying that I still love him ever since. I tore him to pieces and caused him to turn to Shelby, his current girlfriend, who ruined him completely. I ruined his life and my life. Now he won't talk to me.

I am a sophomore in college and I am acting like a stupid 15 year old. Storm is still a senior in high school. We dated in high school and I thought it was just a high school relationship. But we were together for 2 years. And I haven't met anyone that even comes close to connecting with me since Storm. I have seriously contemplated suicide because I just don't know what else to do.

I am really tempted to call Storm and tell him everything. But I know him too well, he will either laugh at me or get so mad at me. He would never break up with Shelby for me, he loves her even though they fight like crazy, even though she ruined his life. But I feel like I need to take this chance. And maybe if he flips out on me and hurts me I can finally just let it go, give up on him forever. Or maybe I'll obsess even more and hope that since he knows I still love him he will think of me next time he has a fight with Shelby. But I don't know, I think I have lost my mind....

Help on this would be appreciated...
Posted on November 8th, 2009 at 04:35am


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