Fucked up classmates

You know? as i'm sitting in the comp class, waiting for my maths lesson which i hope wont take place since its the last day of school, my classmates are annoying the living daylights out of me. Okay, fine, i am the class freak, dont know why dont know for what, but it has been that way since the second grade and i'm in year 8. So fine, i listen to punk, emo, screamo, metal, grunge, like i bet most of you also do, and i'm sure that aint the fuckin reason for this fuckin nuisance they have become over the years. Something about me is in the way and i dont fuckin care what it fuckin is(sorry for saying fuck all the time, its just that i am really pissed off), i fuckin care only about WHY its in the way. Perhaps they're just hypocrits and i'm sure thats the reason. Bitches...bastards, its mostly the girls, the boys dont care that much and i seem to get along better with the male side of the class now. Ok, my classmate Martin just fucked with the comp..for the third time and its annoying me. They should shove their dissaproval and bitchyness up their arses and stick their fingers down their throat if it pleases them. I'm pissed off so this is the point of this entry, Believe me, i think some people just are born bitches. Right now, i'd like to break a few classmate faces. Especially the girls's, Reine, Elis and Kristi...usually they dont act all this stupid, but today, its just totaly abnormal - even for them. All i have to say is: anyone have a problem with me? shove it up your arses and down your throats and shut the f*** up, i dont f***** care, the only thing you'll achieve is my everlasting hatred. I wont cry because its pointless , i wont whine, because its pointless, and i wont fix anything they've broken or taken apart, because they did it and they have to undo it.
Posted on March 16th, 2007 at 05:05am


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