
Lables, no matter who you are, I can guarantee have one, you just can't escape it.
You really can't control how people veiw you.
I have a lable that doesn't fit me at all, it was just how some people saw the way I looked and they think that is me.
And it's not, they don't know me, but automaticly think that just by slapping some steriotype name onto me they know who I am, and what I'm like.
It really is a shame people don't just stop to see that were all human beings, and that we might not all be the same, but we can all feel it when you have childish things being thrown at you that you have know clue where it came from.
Lables are for cereal boxes, but people have them to, you might say you don't use them, but isn't calling some one an asshole labling them as a rude, obnoxious person?
Or something in that category?
It would be stupid for me to say that I don't judge or use lables, because of course I do.
It's only human, you could see some one walk by, you might not think a thing about them or you could start thinking things like
And all of them are in some what of a way lables arn't they?
We all are guilty of splashing a lable on a person from time to time, and hating the ones people give us.
But hey, you know who you are, your friends and family know who you are, and if people you don't even talk to want to call you something like they know who you are, hell I say let them.
Because why care what others who you avoid say about you anyways, I understand that some of it can be a little rough, but hold your head up and remember, you'll probably go somewhere in life, they'll probably end up next to Mory searching for their baby daddy, or flipping burgurs for the rest of their lives.
I'm making a vow here, that I will try my absolute hardest to not lable anyone, though I might slipp up from time to time,
but I'm only human.
Posted on August 7th, 2010 at 02:14pm


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