so you "might" have this?

you tell me I'm the only person you've ever told this to. I don't know if that means you want to me to keep it confidential, but it's not like I know the same people you know anyway.
So I guess that part is irrelevant...
But... the most important thing. You TOLD ME YOU MIGHT HAVE LEUKEMIA!
I don't know how or what or anything. I think my brain has turned to mush. I don't know what to do. Can I help you in any way? Is there anything I can say/do? I'm trying to be completely unselfish about this, because I know it's really an issue for you.
You even said to me "Do you know what it's like to have this knowledge?" And no, I can't imagine it. That has been hanging over your head for three or four years, but it's potentially life-threatening. So... how are you not extremely mad? Doctors put a "maybe" over your head, to a possible life-threatening sickness!!!!!!!!!!!
And I can't be selfish about it, but I don't know why you told me all this. Then you proceed to tell me every time something strange happens to you..
I am just worried like hell.
Also, you had to go with telling me "I could die at anytime in my new home, and no one would know about it."
Hey, you know, way to be positive.... I know you could, but I guess I just don't want to be hear about it.
I still think you need to be tested and tested, I don't know why the doctors would just leave you in the dark about this. I'm not a doctor, and I'm not going to pretend to be, but I think you need to be there OFTEN (so long as you have medical insurance), and persist... If I were you I'd be mad. I'd be bothered. I'm REALLY glad that you're able to not let it paralyze you with fear you, that's a damn good thing.
But shit, now this is poisoning my mind.
Posted on August 18th, 2010 at 10:35pm


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