Another Blog About Labeling

Yes, the third blog today about labeling today. Whatever. With so much blogging about being labeled as emo, goth, prep...the list goes on. it sucks. A person into Green Day, My Chem, and FOB could easily be labeled as emo. To convince people that they're just labeling based on stupid stereotypes you'd have to come to school the next day in a big, spiky red mohawk, skateboard and a Ramones T-Shirt. Then they'll label you as punk, which is what you actually are. Then, having the stereotypes they have, they'll think you're some destructive moron who is angry at the world. They don't know a thing about punk, what punk is, and what punk means to us. The next day, you'll come in a miniskirt, strappy sandals and braids just so no one thinks you're a big mean jerk who thinks they're so cool. And? They'll tell you you're a teenie. They'll say you read Tiger Beat, fantasize about Zac Efron, and scream at Fall Out Boy concerts. This could go on as long as you please...shifting personalities to avoid being labeled and STILL being labeled.

In fact, when I first started wearing black and stuff and getting into punk, even my older sister called me goth. "Aren't you a little young for your goth phase?" I was completely pissed at her. I had no way to defend myself, because that's how labeling works. You have no say in what you are, because it's told to your face. Here is what I have to say:
•People choose to dress a certain way because they feel comfortable, and if that means wearing a black hoodie, eyeliner, and die their hair red, it only means their expresing their individuality and personality. Being punk means being an individual, and if that means skinny black pants, that person will feel victimized when they are labeled as emo just because they want to be different.
•If you listen to MCR, Fall Out Boy or any aternative/ punk rock group, people will call you emo. they're punks who have a different style and are going against the poppy Hilary Duff crap style that is so popular with people our age. Emo stands for emotional and technically, isn't most music emotional? The happy sad song you learned in Pre-K deals with emotions, and it certainly can make you feel a certain way. Little kids love to sing, and it makes them happy. I guess they're emo.
•why do people think I dress a certain way to be cool? I'd be kind of a hypocrite if I believed in individuality to be cool.
•Label as much as you want, but seriously, the way you look or act could be license enough for me to label you as a prep or teenie. Like that? Why not change your personality? You can become a goth with a simple wardrobe change. At least, to your way of thinking.

So quit labeling! No one likes that, and it's a horrible feeling to be told what you are and your value in life. That's what Bill O'Reilly does every night...he tells people what they are. He tells them they're left wing media or lunatic Green Peace protesters. You are what you feel inside is right.
Posted on March 20th, 2007 at 04:29pm


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