ARGH! RANT! (My Chemical Romance fans, I'd advise you wouldn't read)

Not that I have anything against MCR.
Oh crap, now I've put that up you MCR fans are all going to read this.

I, being a frantic mibba author, log on to mibba regularly to update and check my comments. Sometimes I check the stories out, if I have time.
But today, something made me a little pissed.
You know how the Green Day tag used to be the hugest one on there, and the MCR was a little smaller, the Billie Joe Armstrong one was just as big and MCR one was middle sized?
Not any more.
Now the two biggest ones are Gerard Way and MCR!
Green Day's tag is shrinking! Shrinking I tell you! It's dwindled considerably!
I click on it, and what do I find?
Hardly any new Green Day fanfictions apart from my own and some other authors.
It's driving me nuts!
All the talented writers that used to have GD fanfiction pouring out the wazoo, what happened?
They've switched over to MCR because it's "new" or have just stopped writing.
I know, Green Day haven't been in the public eye that much. And the news seems to be at an all-time low.
But- but I miss my really good Green Day fanfiction!
You know, the interesting ones that didn't stick to those nasty cliches. The ones that had more then a paragraph when they were updated.
Now it's lucky if they even do get updated.
As for the MCR fanfiction... I've glanced through some, and I admit, some are pretty good.
But, then I took a look through the rest. And low and behold, I found some truly crappy writing, terrible cliches (oh please! If I see one more ferard I am going to STRANGLE someone! And as for the girl fans meeting their heroes in a chance encounter at a concert- if I had a dollar for every time someone wrote one of those I'd be richer then the Queen!) and generally an influx in wanna-be writers who just love getting their panties wet when imagining Gerard and Frank on top of each other.
Don't get me wrong, I hate cliches in Green Day fanfic too. Like the excited fans meeting them at a concert and falling in luuuuuuuuuuuurve and having many little Armstrong babies (Adie's name just seems to disappear completely), or the oh-my-good-God-Billie-is-my-daddy-I've-just-found-out-and-I-have-to-live-with-him-gosh-how-exciting type things, or the I Hate My Life Save Me Green Day ones.
I will say, however, the good authors can go into these typecasts and make them original. You know, just by adding some stuff in that you wouldn't generally see.
But this is what I had been seeing:
'oh my god i love you billie lets have hot horny sex in your dressing room' said cindy. she ripped off her bra and threw it and it landed somewhere on the floor and tre would put it on later but anyway she and billie were going to have hot horny sex.
'okay lets do that,' billie said as he tore off his pants. 'wait, aren't i married or something'
'no the weddings later now time for hot horny sex,' cindy said.
'yeah her name was something beginning with a-'
cindy grabbed him and blah blah blah blah blah

and now this is what I'm seeing:
'i love you gerard lets fuck and stuff and make teenage girls wet,' said frank.
'cool' said gerard.
they fucked
the end


The difference between Green Day and MCR fanfiction is generally this now:
Green Day: More quality, less quantity
MCR: A HEAP of quantity, not enough quaility

This isn't always true, though.
Sorry... I just needed to rant.

Posted on March 28th, 2007 at 06:52am


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