The Matches: Decomposer

The album begins, and you probably expect a little bit of guitar like from Sick Little Suicide, right? WRONG.

1. Salty Eyes - So, they start off a CD with a song that sounds to be a song you'd expect to hear at a fancy dinner. I have to admit; the song is great, but why'd they start the album with it? A strange song for them to make in the first place, but I guess the song is okay when you listen to it enough.

2. Drive - Okay...what the hell? Why again did they make a song about the sex drive and mix it with driving with a car? For me, it was a retro flashback mixed with some comedy. I would have to say this is the worst song on the album, but it would have at least made a better starting song then Salty Eyes.

3. Papercut Skin - One of the greatest songs on the album. This would've made an awesome opening song as well. The guitar in this song mixed with the great singing makes this song addicting. Trust me, don't listen to this song unless you're desperate for a song getting stuck in your head.

4. Clumsy Heart - Another awesome song. Fun to try to sing along to. They used a lot of back-up vocals in this song too, which was a kinda good change. I relate to this song a lot too. Near the ending too I like how the back-up vocals start to completely take over. This song makes me smile everytime I hear it.

5. Little Maggots - Another change in the type of song. This song can really get stuck in your head too. I have no living idea what this song is about, but it's just fun to sing. The arrangement of the song is strange too. They change it around a lot. It's good though.

6. What Katie Said - This reminds me of their songs on E. Von Dahl Killed The Locals the most. This song is addicting and lovable. It's just a great song, I'll have to say it like that and leave it there.

7. Sunburn Vs. The Rhinovirus - I'd like to say first off this song has a weird name...haha. Well, here it isn't, the song that actually tells about Decomposing! Woohoo. The song is creepy for some of the lyrics, but has a good ring to it. Yet another good song.

8. Lazier Than Furniture - I love it. I love the drums. I love the guitar. I love how they tell me how lazy I am. The song is over-all great. Something about this song makes me warm inside. I don't know, but I just love it.

9. Didi (My Doe, Part 2) - Finally, a song that has a bit of a storyline to it! The song is awesome on how they can stutter but make it sound so good. And yeah, I love that they rhymed 'word' and 'back'.

10. You (Don't) Know Me - This song reminds me a lot of a song at some old club. I like it though, it's more of a good dance song then a sing-a-long punk rock song. Not what you'd expect from E. Von Dahl Killed The Locals again.

11. Soft And Deep - Haha, what a classic name of a love song... Well, it's a love song. Kinda. The lyrics are like something Maroon 5 would sing, and the song is okay at best.

12. Shoot Me In The Smile - I love the guitar. The singing starts to sound like a girl in the very beginning. But the song is pretty good when you start getting into it. When he sings like a girl, just pay attention to the guitar. ;D

13. The Barber's Unhappiness - Once again a really weird and random song name. For some reason the song makes me depressed, reminds me of some dead guy. You might catch yourself start to hum along to this song as well, it gets stuck in your head.

Well, there you have it. I reviewed a CD from The Matches and my fingers didn't fall off yet. Overall, it's a 5/5 stars album for me. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Posted on March 31st, 2007 at 07:31pm


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