The African American Revolution...

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October 15th, 2005 at 04:38pm
I dunno if anyone else besides me knows what's going on right now on C-SPAN...
But at the Capital there's about a thousand african americans gathering, and I'll be honest with you, I'm kinda scared.
They despise white people. It's as if they're gathering everyone who's NOT a white human and are trying to begin some kinda revolution.
I'm totally NOT racist. I have a brother-in-law who's an a. a. and he's a really cool guy.
But....what these people are saying about how "George Bush doesn't care about black people" really gets me frusterated...
What about Condalisa Rice and Colin Powell?
I hope I haven't offended anyone, but this is a very serious issue that should come to attention.
What do you people think?
I personally feel kinda frusterated...they already have so many rights that all men are not created equal anymore.
My hopes of getting into college are slowly spinning down the drain because A. A.s get first dibs...
Spirit Of '77
Falling In Love With The Board
Spirit Of '77
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October 15th, 2005 at 09:53pm
this is kinda off topic, but this kinda reminds me of malcolm x and how he's looked at as a "leader" of african american cival rights and all, when in reality he was just as racist as all the white people where who were cruel to the blacks. he just hated white people.

i find that to be fucked up.
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October 16th, 2005 at 12:05am
this is kinda off topic, but this kinda reminds me of malcolm x and how he's looked at as a "leader" of african american cival rights and all, when in reality he was just as racist as all the white people where who were cruel to the blacks. he just hated white people.

i find that to be fucked up.

Wow, I'm surprised that this thread hasn't got a lot of responses, and hasn't been locked yet. I mean~this is actually a very real and serious problem.
fancy pants
Post Whore
fancy pants
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October 16th, 2005 at 12:58am
The specific discussion forum is just slower because this place if full of pre teen girls that care more about Billie Joe's oh-so-sexeh eyeliner than world news. Haha. :/

Yeah.. the racist thing is pretty lame. Any whites hating blacks or blacks hating whites or hispanics hating asians. :/ I don't understand how anyone could have so much hate towards a whole group of people that they don't know.
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October 16th, 2005 at 01:10am
fancy pants:
The specific discussion forum is just slower because this place if full of pre teen girls that care more about Billie Joe's oh-so-sexeh eyeliner than world news. Haha. :/

<Sigh> And isn't that the shameful truth?

And you're totally right about the whole racism doesn't make any sense.
But-for mods to know: This isn't about Racism in General, this thread is about what happened today at Washington DC.
"The Millions More March". They've become almost as bad as people they were against. I heard that there were several breakouts and attacks on monuments and stores all over DC during this event...
fancy pants
Post Whore
fancy pants
Age: 36
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October 16th, 2005 at 01:16am
fancy pants:
The specific discussion forum is just slower because this place if full of pre teen girls that care more about Billie Joe's oh-so-sexeh eyeliner than world news. Haha. :/

<Sigh> And isn't that the shameful truth?

And you're totally right about the whole racism doesn't make any sense.
But-for mods to know: This isn't about Racism in General, this thread is about what happened today at Washington DC.
"The Millions More March". They've become almost as bad as people they were against. I heard that there were several breakouts and attacks on monuments and stores all over DC during this event...
Wow. I was watching a news channel earlier today, but they weren't covering what happened in DC, so I don't know much about what happened. I should read about it. I don't like tv news so much. They try too hard to make it entertaining rather than informational.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
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October 16th, 2005 at 08:28am
fancy pants:
The specific discussion forum is just slower because this place if full of pre teen girls that care more about Billie Joe's oh-so-sexeh eyeliner than world news. Haha. :/

Yeah.. the racist thing is pretty lame. Any whites hating blacks or blacks hating whites or hispanics hating asians. :/ I don't understand how anyone could have so much hate towards a whole group of people that they don't know.

lmfao lmfao lmfao

Yeah, it's not good, the whole situation. It's all over the world, if a white person says anything that could be remotely taken as racist, then people are like Shocked , but if a black person says anything about white people, no-one bats an eyelid. Plus I think there's becoming waaay too much positive discrimination in the world.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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October 16th, 2005 at 06:18pm
this is kinda off topic, but this kinda reminds me of malcolm x and how he's looked at as a "leader" of african american cival rights and all, when in reality he was just as racist as all the white people where who were cruel to the blacks. he just hated white people.

Not exactly. Malcom X was definantly more of a flame thrower than MLK, but he wasn't all about "kill the whites and eat their babies" That's Black Panther territory. Malcom talked about action, and i conceed some of it was racist, but what he was trying to do was get African Americans to see that just letting themselves get picked at was wrong. A lot of his speeches were misunderstood (Which led to the formation of the Black Panthers).
Malcom X:
And I say to you, You can blame them for throwing you to the ground, but you have no one but yourselves for laying there

Which reminds me of another nice quote,
"The world sucks for two reasons: Evil Smart People and the unbelievably stupid people who hang on their every word."
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October 16th, 2005 at 07:38pm
I dunno if anyone else besides me knows what's going on right now on C-SPAN...
But at the Capital there's about a thousand african americans gathering, and I'll be honest with you, I'm kinda scared.
They despise white people. It's as if they're gathering everyone who's NOT a white human and are trying to begin some kinda revolution.
I'm totally NOT racist. I have a brother-in-law who's an a. a. and he's a really cool guy.
But....what these people are saying about how "George Bush doesn't care about black people" really gets me frusterated...
What about Condalisa Rice and Colin Powell?
I hope I haven't offended anyone, but this is a very serious issue that should come to attention.
What do you people think?
I personally feel kinda frusterated...they already have so many rights that all men are not created equal anymore.
My hopes of getting into college are slowly spinning down the drain because A. A.s get first dibs...

what? do african americans really get first dibs at college? how is that?
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
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Posts: 8334
October 16th, 2005 at 07:40pm
I dunno if anyone else besides me knows what's going on right now on C-SPAN...
But at the Capital there's about a thousand african americans gathering, and I'll be honest with you, I'm kinda scared.
They despise white people. It's as if they're gathering everyone who's NOT a white human and are trying to begin some kinda revolution.
I'm totally NOT racist. I have a brother-in-law who's an a. a. and he's a really cool guy.
But....what these people are saying about how "George Bush doesn't care about black people" really gets me frusterated...
What about Condalisa Rice and Colin Powell?
I hope I haven't offended anyone, but this is a very serious issue that should come to attention.
What do you people think?
I personally feel kinda frusterated...they already have so many rights that all men are not created equal anymore.
My hopes of getting into college are slowly spinning down the drain because A. A.s get first dibs...

what? do african americans really get first dibs at college? how is that?

GAH! Positive discrimination! I hate it!
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October 16th, 2005 at 07:42pm
what is positive discrimination? i dont get it.

positive discrimination sounds to me like an oxymoron lol. can someone explain it please.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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October 16th, 2005 at 07:43pm
what? do african americans really get first dibs at college? how is that?

Well, it's not everywhere, but a few years back a story was reported about the University of Michigan and their admissions. Apparently the give applicants points for certain things like charitable work, grades, etc. You had to get a certain amount of points to get in. The reason people were upset is because being a minority, African American in particular, got you more points wheras being white got you zilch.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
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Posts: 8334
October 16th, 2005 at 07:44pm
what is positive discrimination? i dont get it.

positive discrimination sounds to me like an oxymoron lol. can someone explain it please.

It's like...say a black and a white person went for a job as a police officer, and the white person has better qualifications than the black. But the people who were interviewing didn't want to be thought of as rasist, so they give the black person the job.
I'm not too sure if that explained it too well, but whatever.
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October 16th, 2005 at 07:45pm
why did u get points for being a minority?


GOD I LOVE THAT SONG <3 lol anyway....
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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October 16th, 2005 at 07:45pm
what is positive discrimination? i dont get it.

positive discrimination sounds to me like an oxymoron lol. can someone explain it please.

Positive discrimination is when someone get preferential treatment because of their race or other characteristic instead of being shuned forb it.
Example: 2 guys are at a bar. One is white and one is black. The white guy orders first, but the black guy is served first simply because of his skin color.
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October 16th, 2005 at 07:46pm
† Fuck The Mainstream †:
what is positive discrimination? i dont get it.

positive discrimination sounds to me like an oxymoron lol. can someone explain it please.

It's like...say a black and a white person went for a job as a police officer, and the white person has better qualifications than the black. But the people who were interviewing didn't want to be thought of as rasist, so they give the black person the job.
I'm not too sure if that explained it too well, but whatever.

ya i get exactly what u mean. its like trying to grant their requests so that they wont think of you as racist.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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October 16th, 2005 at 07:47pm
why did u get points for being a minority?


GOD I LOVE THAT SONG <3 lol anyway....

They wanted to diversify their predominantly white campus.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
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Posts: 8334
October 16th, 2005 at 07:48pm
what is positive discrimination? i dont get it.

positive discrimination sounds to me like an oxymoron lol. can someone explain it please.

Positive discrimination is when someone get preferential treatment because of their race or other characteristic instead of being shuned forb it.
Example: 2 guys are at a bar. One is white and one is black. The white guy orders first, but the black guy is served first simply because of his skin color.

Heh good way of explaining it! I always use police officers [as I did above ^] lol but yeah...nice one.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 8334
October 16th, 2005 at 07:48pm
† Fuck The Mainstream †:
what is positive discrimination? i dont get it.

positive discrimination sounds to me like an oxymoron lol. can someone explain it please.

It's like...say a black and a white person went for a job as a police officer, and the white person has better qualifications than the black. But the people who were interviewing didn't want to be thought of as rasist, so they give the black person the job.
I'm not too sure if that explained it too well, but whatever.

ya i get exactly what u mean. its like trying to grant their requests so that they wont think of you as racist.

Terminal Preppie
Terminal Preppie
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October 17th, 2005 at 12:19am
Uhh.. kinda pointless.. but it's an example for positive discrimination... my friend Jared is black and he asked me out.. I said no and he immediately began whinning about how it's cause he's black.. with that bitchy attitude.. I still don't get why he thought that...

But anyway.. Being white is a bad thing now.. and I think it sucks. People are all about being equal but they went wayy past that. Colleges give special advantages to people of a diffrent race, but they're not realizing that they're putting down the majority. You need to find some sort of balance so that everyone is actually equal because it's not fair to whites. White against black is just asbad as Black against white.