GAME: Tony Hawk's: American Wasteland

Falling In Love With The Board
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March 14th, 2006 at 03:32pm
It's the latest of the Tony Hawks games, set in LA, with a great soundtrack, cool characters and fun neighbourhoods. If you complete Classic Mode in Normal Difficulty, you get to play as Billie Joe.
~ Christie ~
~ Christie ~
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March 14th, 2006 at 03:44pm
Damn...I've seen before that you can play with billie...But fuck, It yould never work on my retard computer : /

And I think It have good song, too. Don't really remember what but fuck.
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March 14th, 2006 at 03:48pm
You can really play as billie?
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 23
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March 14th, 2006 at 04:01pm
Personally I like Underground 2 better. But it's pretty good.

I unlocked Billie. He wasn't fun. I don't like Billie. Shifty
King For A Couple Of Days
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March 14th, 2006 at 04:55pm
I'd pwn any of you fools in THPS. Its like my second religion

I think THAW was way to easy though. I beat Classic mode the day I got it. Still very fun though.

I think THPS3 is the best out of all the THPS/THUG/THAW games.
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March 15th, 2006 at 04:43am
I'd pwn any of you fools in THPS. Its like my second religion

I think THAW was way to easy though. I beat Classic mode the day I got it. Still very fun though.

I think THPS3 is the best out of all the THPS/THUG/THAW games.

i think i'd be pretty good competition i own at those games, sick mode FINISHED all missions......... 2 days (including sleep, eats, showers etc.)

I used to like pro skater on the N64 but they seem so dated now when i play them.
Age: 32
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March 15th, 2006 at 08:31am
I'd like to have it, so far I have only Tony Hawks Underground 2 for PS 2
King For A Couple Of Days
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March 15th, 2006 at 03:59pm
I'd pwn any of you fools in THPS. Its like my second religion

I think THAW was way to easy though. I beat Classic mode the day I got it. Still very fun though.

I think THPS3 is the best out of all the THPS/THUG/THAW games.

i think i'd be pretty good competition i own at those games, sick mode FINISHED all missions......... 2 days (including sleep, eats, showers etc.)

I used to like pro skater on the N64 but they seem so dated now when i play them.

whats you best score/combo?
The Staci
The Staci
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March 15th, 2006 at 06:43pm
I beat all goals on Classic Mode, but I can't beat the Story Mode on Sick.
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March 15th, 2006 at 07:45pm
I'd pwn any of you fools in THPS. Its like my second religion

I think THAW was way to easy though. I beat Classic mode the day I got it. Still very fun though.

I think THPS3 is the best out of all the THPS/THUG/THAW games.

i think i'd be pretty good competition i own at those games, sick mode FINISHED all missions......... 2 days (including sleep, eats, showers etc.)

I used to like pro skater on the N64 but they seem so dated now when i play them.

whats you best score/combo?

I'm not sure but it's pretty big....i just do manual combos, easy points
King For A Couple Of Days
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March 15th, 2006 at 08:03pm
I'd pwn any of you fools in THPS. Its like my second religion

I think THAW was way to easy though. I beat Classic mode the day I got it. Still very fun though.

I think THPS3 is the best out of all the THPS/THUG/THAW games.

i think i'd be pretty good competition i own at those games, sick mode FINISHED all missions......... 2 days (including sleep, eats, showers etc.)

I used to like pro skater on the N64 but they seem so dated now when i play them.

whats you best score/combo?

I'm not sure but it's pretty big....i just do manual combos, easy points

mmmhmmmm, not to brag, but mine is over 6,000,000
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March 16th, 2006 at 09:38am
I'd pwn any of you fools in THPS. Its like my second religion

I think THAW was way to easy though. I beat Classic mode the day I got it. Still very fun though.

I think THPS3 is the best out of all the THPS/THUG/THAW games.
It took me and my brother 9 hours to complete every goal in Story Mode. o_o We were all "@_@ Must.Complete.Classic.Mode.Too." xD
Isaac Clarke
King For A Couple Of Days
Isaac Clarke
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March 16th, 2006 at 03:35pm
I love this game. ^_^ I've unlocked Billie on Classic Mode and completed Story Mode on Easy and Normal diffuculties. I'm currently trying to beat Sick mode, but I haven't had the time to play it lately. I love the whole series though. I'm totally addicted.
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March 17th, 2006 at 01:00am
I'd pwn any of you fools in THPS. Its like my second religion

I think THAW was way to easy though. I beat Classic mode the day I got it. Still very fun though.

I think THPS3 is the best out of all the THPS/THUG/THAW games.

i think i'd be pretty good competition i own at those games, sick mode FINISHED all missions......... 2 days (including sleep, eats, showers etc.)

I used to like pro skater on the N64 but they seem so dated now when i play them.

whats you best score/combo?

I'm not sure but it's pretty big....i just do manual combos, easy points

mmmhmmmm, not to brag, but mine is over 6,000,000

tee hee i'm higher! 9, 450,000 or something like that Wink

I'm sorry i'm a nerd i'll stop now
Bittersweet World
Bittersweet World
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March 17th, 2006 at 03:20am
My nephews when I got it for them toke...

4 hours to complete classic mode.

7 and 1/2 hours to do the story mode.

Age: 34
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Posts: 1820
March 25th, 2006 at 09:04am
I got it for christmas but my parents took it and my Xbox of me when school started back...Stupid exams, I'm not allowed get it back till they're over next June.
Maiku's Kind Ghost
King For A Couple Of Days
Maiku's Kind Ghost
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August 5th, 2006 at 07:20am
I got THAW for Christmas, I kinda uploaded some of my freinds memory from her memory card cuz she finnished it I was to lazy to do it myself. Laughing
but anyways. I love the awsomely good skater making mode. I had Billie before I finnished the game... cuz I made him-dookie version. but just proves how much of a failure I am Laughing
Was Here Two Weeks Ago
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August 5th, 2006 at 07:48am
I was thinking of getting it..
I might. I love Tony Hawk games. Very Happy
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August 22nd, 2006 at 02:19pm
My brother got it last xmas and he was playing it in his room and then he came down to me and said guess who ive unlocked and i was all confused and he showed me it was Bj and i was all excited (yes im stupid) its alright its just i hate most of the other people you can play as but i love playing as Bj they did a pretty good job making him and i love a lot of the songs aswell especially the networks covering the misfits (i have the networks album but mine didnt have this song on it for some reason)
anyways i havent played it in ages i might play it later Smile
Age: 30
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August 24th, 2006 at 08:41pm
i got it like a month after it came out and i like it. i suck at it though but i haven't played it in a while.