Spirtitual experinces or contacts from spirits
Author | Message |
FallingAway Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 30 | okay i searched this fourm and didnt find anything so this is going to sound weird but after my friend Brad died two weeks ago i went to my friends church and i was standing up with my hands raised above my head i felt as if he were there standing next to me then when i went up to be forgiven for my sins along with alot of other people when i sat down i felt someone hug me but there was no one there. has anyone ever had an experince like this before? if so tell us |
Matt Smith Admin ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 31134 ![]() ![]() | Spirits/ghosts/supernatural experiences. My thoughts on this issue are as follows: I believe that some things in the world cannot be explained. Maybe i'm wrong, but I think some things just can't. I also believe that spirits and all that jazz are just what people believe to justify those things that can't be explained; they use them as their explanation. Which doesn't make them right, or me right, but thats what I believe. |
Plug In Baby. Addict ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 11334 | I'm very interested in the supernatural, I mean, I believe in it, but I'm not one of those hardcore superstitious people. I just enjoy reading about it. But, when my Nana died, and we were at the funeral, I had a feeling she walked across the alter. I didn't see anything, the air didn't change, nothing changed, I just had a feeling she walked across the alter, and was seeing us for the last time. |
Incubus Jackass ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 1820 | My friends and I have toyed with the supernatural a lot, séances, ouija board, spirit writing, you name it, with some pretty scary results (nothing out of a horror film but enough to scare most of my friends off it for life). I know what happened is real, and that there isn't any rational explaination behind it. But at the same time, I don't for a second believe that when people die their spirits float round waiting for a bunch of kids to muck about with a ouija. I think there is another explaination, we just haven't found it yet. |
anti-christ of suburbia Idiot ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 986 ![]() | After my Grandad died i kept getting weird experiences. when i went to his house to visit my Nan, i kept feeling weird everytime someone sat in his old chair, like a weird feeling that someone was annoyed at them sitting there. also he was buried in the cemetary next to my old school and on the day of the funeral i kept thinking someone was watching me (i wasnt allowed to go coz it was a schoolday) |
beans Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 222 | OMG, my story...... ok im living in Rochdale at the moment and im living on a hill in a house called Healey Hall Cottage before the first time we moved here we had lots of weird and tense moments the first was when we were decorating the house ready for a big party my mum had been in the cellor blue-tacking different posters, she had gone upstairs to get her adrink or something cant remember but when she got downstairs the blue-tack was stuck on the roof!!! Also not long after, one day when i was at school my mum had been in bed for a while and she was half asleep and she felt something mover her hair at first she thought it was maybe just a squirel or even just a spider it appened a few times but she thought nothing of it. a couple moments later she had heard like signal interferances from taxi's through her fone, which was switched off...she could hear whispers from it. she thought nothing of it, (stupid woman)...like i said she was half asleep so she went back to bed, and as soon as she was about to drift off she felt something pressing on her feet as if someone was trying to get into bed with her she opened her eyes and it stopped she shut her eyes again, it started again and it felt like hands were creeping up her body... sensibly she got out of bed got dressed into her dressing gown and headed for the front door, she tryed to look as if she wasnt scared just incase they were watching her she drove to our old house which we hadnt yet sold and when i got home from school she told me everything... now i told you this story in the same house it happened in so im shitting myself lol, and i never believed in ghosts and i didn't think i ever would untill it actually happened to me and my family... |
John Entwistle Great Success! ![]() Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 55036 | Never have and hope I never do. |
talaan Idiot ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 766 | Yes, I believe in it. There are so many things that science havent found the answer yet |
Lucifers Angel King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 4751 | yes i have and in fact it was one of the most peaceful and nice expierences that i could ever have had. |
Kurtni Admin ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 34289 ![]() ![]() | When I was a little kid, I use to freak out and scream because my blankets would float up. Then my mom and dad would run in and it would stop and they thought I was crazy. After like a month... they figured out what i was freaking out about. The vent was blowing my blankets up, and when my parents came in the room, it stopped because they stood over the vent. I was tramatized, but it lead to me being fascinated with ghosts and the paranormal. I am not sure as to what my religious believes are exactly... but I believe in a life after death, somewhere. Maybe it is somewhere on earth, and if thats the case, I do believe those two worlds would have to collide in some way at some time. |
Lucifers Angel King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 4751 | i think it would be conceited of us to think that when we die we just lie in a plot in the groud or an urn on the mantle piece. |
Anji Basket Case ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15914 ![]() | Lucifers Angel:Maybe the belief that we live on is conjoured from the rejection and possible fear of the idea that we will just die and be there, in a coffin, or as a pile of ashes. Just a thought. I believe in spirits and ghosts. Just from experience. Oooooooooooo... Damn, I miss Halloween. Almost finished off my candy. I'm rationing now. ![]() |
Kurtni Admin ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 34289 ![]() ![]() | Lucifers Angel: Well, I wouldn't say that. Everything is dead in that Urn, if you have no faith or religious morals, why would you think anything else? Spirts and Ghosts are not exactly something you can be taught certain facts about, its more an opinion than anything. |
Garrett Hanlund This Board Is My Home ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 30801 ![]() ![]() | I'm a very strong believer of supernatural beings, spirits, ghosts, whatever you prefer. Last year I was in the basement of a local antique store and I saw a little girl in a red dress sitting on a bed, and when I got closer she was gone. I sat on the bed and it suddenly got very cold and I felt something grab on to me. I was alone in the basement and no one was around. I went back upstairs and I never forgot about that day. As it turns out, a long long time ago, that same building caught on fire and a little girl had died in the fire. It sounds corny and fake but I swear it happened, and this isn't my only reason for believing in spiritual encounters. |
BillieStoleMyVirginity Geek ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 359 ![]() | some of you may know thisalready but i communicate with spirits all the time. i can channel them (and people who aren;t dead aswell!) i always help my friends with Ouija boards coz you should always have the session supervised by someone with experience coz if you dont you might anger the spirit! you dont want hauntings or possessions. channelling is a cool talent to have. i have learned to use it appropriately as well, so i only talk to spirits if they want me to or if they request it. i can also channell animals which is cool. PROOF ANIMALS CAN THINK! yeah i will shut up now |
BillieStoleMyVirginity Geek ![]() Age: 31 Gender: Female Posts: 359 ![]() | when my mum was a teenager she and her friends did the Ouija board (fools had no experience so they shit themselves, not literally!) and the board kept telling them that thier friend paul was communicating frlom the other side. they thought nothing of it coz paul was alive. two weeks later paul died. freaky. and once my friend and i did the Ouija board in her basement. here is the conversation we had: me (speaking): no negative communication is welcome in this session. Me (through board): hello board: hi me: are you ready to speak with us? board: yes me: are you female? board: y me: are you happy where you are?: board: (jumble of letters) me: my name is paisley and the other is my friend ruby. what is your name? board: p, m me: do you trust us? board: you then me and my friend put the board away and were about to go to sleep. when i closed my eyes i saw a girl in a white dress standing in the corner between the wall and the door, and another girl in a white dress standing on the couch with her head near the light. the girl in the corner was smiling and the girl on the couch had a sort of nasty smile. the girl on the couch was looking at my friend and the other girl was looking at me. i thought nothing of it because i see spirits all the time, although my friend doesn't. my friend opened her eyes and said "OMG i saw two girls in the room! one in the corner and the other standing on that couch" then the room went cold and i couldnt see the girls any more. i think they have something to do with the insane deja vu i had when i first visited my friends house. |
sugar city urchin. Geek ![]() Age: 34 Gender: Female Posts: 209 | FallingAway: cool, congrats ![]() i dont know for sure if i've ever felt something by someone i once knew who had passed. but i've felt things like, by god i guess. holy spirit. its really cool and like, warm feeling. hehe. the other day my mum was at this ladys [ruth] place praying and such. and so ruth was praying for my mum and my mum thought that ruth had her hand just over her head. then she opened her eyes to realise that ruth didnt have her hand over her head and that she wasnt really that near my mum at all. but, other times i've just felt random people touching me. like playing with my hair or a hand on my shoulder. was a little creepy, hehe. |
mybassgoesdirntdirntdirnt Geek ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 150 ![]() | yea i beleave in it. ok, i play violin and have been for 4-5 years. and i have been playing on my great-grandmothers violin. she played it all her life and its over 125 years old. she died about 20 or more years beofre i got the violin, and when i play certian songs, i can feel her presance. its weird, like i can feel her movements in my fingers and arms and it gives me a warm feeling in my heart. and i've never even met her before but its strange but also comforting in a way.my dad tells me she was a really sweet lady. and i've had another experiance. my kitchan counter is like an "L"shape, and I was playing with a penny cause i was bored, and iset it down, and i walked like three feet to the corner of the counter. no one was behind me, and no one was anywhere near me. i was watching t.v. and the door bell rang and i felt the penny hit me in the back and i saw it fall to the floor. i picked it up and it was real, i wasn't imagining it. it was really freaky. |
Peardrops Addict ![]() Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 11782 ![]() | I used to be one of the youngest members in a paranormal group in my home town. But then all the adult members went all bitchy and backstabbing so it finished. When I was in this group I had a number of weird experiences, but none weirder than the time I was at a meeting in the pub across the road from Belgrave Hall (which itself has a strange history.) My mom, a lad called Danny and I got bored of the group leader blathering on about the colour of aura's, so we went for a walk in the grounds around the pub and the hall. As we were walking up the path by the canal I noticed a dark shape ahead of us, it looked like the shadow of a man wearing a hat, but there was nobody else about (and none of us were wearing hats.) We went around it, I kept my distance but mom and Danny couldn't see anything. As we continued on I looked behind me to see where it was and saw that it was following us, down on all fours like.. Well, like I don't know what. It was the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life. Even freakier is that i've seen it in other locations after this, it's like it's following me or something. ![]() |
Forever~Fallen Geek ![]() Age: - Gender: - Posts: 161 | I believe in that sorta thing really for me it started when I was like 10 after my dad built onto the house (my bedroom) at the same desk i'm sitting at right now lol i felt/heard breathing in my ear and i looked, expecting to see my dog standing next to me but no one was there it just kept going from one ear to the other for about a minute (than i ran out of my room) since then I've felt people pulling my hair, touching me, (one time some one actuallu smacked me on the forehead lol) hear people talking, had my tv, lights, stereo turn on and off, on their own. but it only happens in my bedroom. it scares me most when I see this shadow figure of a man standing in my doorway just looking in my bedroom ![]() |
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