
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
December 25th, 2006 at 11:16pm
No, I didn't get confused and make a thread for Dita in the SD forum, I swear..

por·nog·ra·phy Pronunciation[pawr-nog-ruh-fee] Pronunciation Key - –noun obscene writings, drawings, photographs, or the like, esp. those having little or no artistic merit.

Alright, so before I even start, THAT is the definition of Pornography. Now, I think no one in this thread will claim to support obscene things or the explotation of them, my issue is not with that. My issue is where do we define obscene?

Through the 30's and 40's Burlesque was seen as a form of entertainment, and was never deemed as something to be ashamed of. Now, did you see little 6 year olds at burlesque shows? Of course not, they were obviously not mature enough to handle content like that, however the older portion of the population was and it was seen as approperiate. I mean, look at any actress from that time era. Marilyn Monroe, Ava Garder, Candy Barr, ect. they were all pin up girls (not to mention those who made a career on pin up's alone. It was culturally excepted. What has changed since then?

Now, things of that nature can be taken as obscene. Nude photography can be considered something graphic. Call me immoral, but I find the human body to be not only sensual in ways, but also very artistic. In the Sex Discussion thread, the majority of you said you felt sex was not something to be sheltered, although then some people would turn right around and say sexual themed material (notice, I didn't say porn? K. It isnt obscene and vulgar) are wrong. Doesn't make sense to me.

Im not saying that we all need to go rent A Night in Paris for your 7 year old brother or something. There is a reason this type of thing is intended for those 18 and older, but whats the point in sheltering something thats natural?

So, my questions for you to answer:
-What is Porn? How do you define the Obscene? What issues or points of interest do you think need to be discussed on this subject.
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December 25th, 2006 at 11:16pm
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
December 25th, 2006 at 11:17pm

I really appreciate the serious contribution you made to this thread. OMGyes
Age: 39
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December 25th, 2006 at 11:21pm
This is gonna be fun...
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Mibba Blog
December 25th, 2006 at 11:48pm
I never felt that anything was wrong with nude pictures or pinup girls. I've seen nude pictures. And yes, Dita Von Teese is rather pretty and so are others. The human body is a beautiful thing and you're right. It's a sensual, artistic form. I always thought that pornography was like a video of people graphically having sex. Intercourse seems like it should be a private act, not displayed. And showing everyone that seems innapropriate. Obscene.
Falling In Love With The Board
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December 26th, 2006 at 12:18am
since Courtney's here I have to make a referance to Dita...

but I don't mind when it's tasteful like Dita (who really doesn't need the money or publicity anyway, she just enjoys it) but when it becomes sexist or a way to cheat desperate women/gay men out of money it's wrong
Matt Smith
Matt Smith
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Mibba Blog
December 26th, 2006 at 05:49am
Nudity is art ~~

pr0n is okay as long as all consenting parties are happy doing it.
Its like rats n' potatoes, as long as you consent, I'm happy Cassie
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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December 26th, 2006 at 06:22am

Congratulations, I actually just spat my drink all over the wall behind the pc.

I find it pretty hard to consider anything art when there's a gigantic plastic effigy of a penis in the model, but I've got nothing against it personally.

Hard to really specify reasons but I think it contributes towards objectification of women, 80%-ish of the time. I don't think sex should be the ultimate goal, more of a kind of incentive.

Plus, I don't like to play pretend.
Lucifers Angel
King For A Couple Of Days
Lucifers Angel
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December 26th, 2006 at 07:13am
where do we define obscene? Well if you find it obscene then thats obscene, differant people have differant ideas what obscene is.

Pornography in pictures and writting is somtimes a good thing, and there are many examples of tastefull erotic art, and many people write erotic fiction, otherwise we wouldnt have magazines like Razzle, and Forum.

And also pornography is not just having a rubber cock in you adn screwing has many guys in a film has possible, many married couples watch porn together has a way to get closer and have good sex. why would you want to watch porn for great sex? well somtimes its needed.

also with the person above me, if the women didnt want to do this then they shoudlnt, and yes i agree with pornography of CONSENTING adults and never ever ever UNDERAGE people.
Basket Case
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December 26th, 2006 at 10:46am
Lucifers Angel:
where do we define obscene? Well if you find it obscene then thats obscene, differant people have differant ideas what obscene is.

Pornography in pictures and writting is somtimes a good thing, and there are many examples of tastefull erotic art, and many people write erotic fiction, otherwise we wouldnt have magazines like Razzle, and Forum.

And also pornography is not just having a rubber cock in you adn screwing has many guys in a film has possible, many married couples watch porn together has a way to get closer and have good sex. why would you want to watch porn for great sex? well somtimes its needed.

also with the person above me, if the women didnt want to do this then they shoudlnt, and yes i agree with pornography of CONSENTING adults and never ever ever UNDERAGE people.
Unless, of course, the pornography is depicting a rape scene or something.

*Dirrty thoughts.*

Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
December 26th, 2006 at 10:51am
lmfao I love how all the examples in this thread are centered around Dita.
I never felt that anything was wrong with nude pictures or pinup girls. I've seen nude pictures. And yes, Dita Von Teese is rather pretty and so are others. The human body is a beautiful thing and you're right. It's a sensual, artistic form. I always thought that pornography was like a video of people graphically having sex. Intercourse seems like it should be a private act, not displayed. And showing everyone that seems innapropriate. Obscene.

Well, for me persoanlly watching two people graphically have sex seems pointless... that'd be like watching fire fighters save lives so you could feel like you help people. However, different people have differet turn on's. So, they might feel something you deem graphic is mild.
since Courtney's here I have to make a referance to Dita...

but I don't mind when it's tasteful like Dita (who really doesn't need the money or publicity anyway, she just enjoys it) but when it becomes sexist or a way to cheat desperate women/gay men out of money it's wrong

tehe 'cause Dita pwns all..
You know, one time outside a studio where she was taking these bondage pictures, a bunch of Feminists were rioting, claiming she promoted deragatory actions against women. Her reply: "Some people may not find what I do very feministic, but I find it pretty liberating getting $22,000 for ten minutes." So, alot of people consider that degrading, I don't. Unless someone is being abused or harmed, or the actions are being performed against their will, I think its ok.
Nudity is art ~~

pr0n is okay as long as all consenting parties are happy doing it.
Its like rats n' potatoes, as long as you consent, I'm happy Cassie

tehe I was going to make some comment about how eating people and porn werent the same... then I realized how easily my words would be turned around so never mind.
Robbie Clause:

Congratulations, I actually just spat my drink all over the wall behind the pc.

I find it pretty hard to consider anything art when there's a gigantic plastic effigy of a penis in the model, but I've got nothing against it personally.

Hard to really specify reasons but I think it contributes towards objectification of women, 80%-ish of the time. I don't think sex should be the ultimate goal, more of a kind of incentive.

Plus, I don't like to play pretend.

Well... personally I dont consider that art.. but Im sure somewhere, someone does, and they have the right to. I don't get why people think it objectifies women, when they enjoy doing it. Think
Lucifers Angel:
where do we define obscene? Well if you find it obscene then thats obscene, differant people have differant ideas what obscene is.

Pornography in pictures and writting is somtimes a good thing, and there are many examples of tastefull erotic art, and many people write erotic fiction, otherwise we wouldnt have magazines like Razzle, and Forum.

And also pornography is not just having a rubber cock in you adn screwing has many guys in a film has possible, many married couples watch porn together has a way to get closer and have good sex. why would you want to watch porn for great sex? well somtimes its needed.

also with the person above me, if the women didnt want to do this then they shoudlnt, and yes i agree with pornography of CONSENTING adults and never ever ever UNDERAGE people.

Exactly, so its hard to say whats acceptable and whats not. its more or less a personal standard.

Consent is the key word here. Some people would never dream of doing porn, and then thats all other people want to do. Anyone who is forcing people into doing porn has violated other laws and its more or less human slavery. Child pornography is also a big problem. No child shou;d ever be exploited in such a way. I disagree with beastiality too. Animals can't give consent, and they can't say no either. Plus personally, I think screwing things outside your own spieces is wrong O__o but thats just me.
Lucifers Angel
King For A Couple Of Days
Lucifers Angel
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December 26th, 2006 at 11:20am
Lucifers Angel:
where do we define obscene? Well if you find it obscene then thats obscene, differant people have differant ideas what obscene is.

Pornography in pictures and writting is somtimes a good thing, and there are many examples of tastefull erotic art, and many people write erotic fiction, otherwise we wouldnt have magazines like Razzle, and Forum.

And also pornography is not just having a rubber cock in you adn screwing has many guys in a film has possible, many married couples watch porn together has a way to get closer and have good sex. why would you want to watch porn for great sex? well somtimes its needed.

also with the person above me, if the women didnt want to do this then they shoudlnt, and yes i agree with pornography of CONSENTING adults and never ever ever UNDERAGE people.
Unless, of course, the pornography is depicting a rape scene or something.*Dirrty thoughts.*


yes rape scenes are not right. but saying that some women get really turned on by rape scenes.
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
December 26th, 2006 at 11:28am
Lucifers Angel:

yes rape scenes are not right. but saying that some women get really turned on by rape scenes.

Think Sounds like some kinky Domination feitsh to me, which really isn't uncommon. Bondage is a huge industy. If its consenting, it's not rape. However if someone is severly abused I have issues with that, its not healthy. If its just depicting however I don't have problems with it.
Lucifers Angel
King For A Couple Of Days
Lucifers Angel
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December 26th, 2006 at 11:36am
Lucifers Angel:

yes rape scenes are not right. but saying that some women get really turned on by rape scenes.

Think Sounds like some kinky Domination feitsh to me, which really isn't uncommon. Bondage is a huge industy. If its consenting, it's not rape. However if someone is severly abused I have issues with that, its not healthy. If its just depicting however I don't have problems with it.

but if it is between two consenting adults domination is safe, many people have a secret word that they use if they feel its gone to far. Bondage again is ok if between adults, some men and indeed some women like being tied up and in japan the art of tieing some one up is just that an art form.
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
December 26th, 2006 at 11:41am
Lucifers Angel:

but if it is between two consenting adults domination is safe, many people have a secret word that they use if they feel its gone to far. Bondage again is ok if between adults, some men and indeed some women like being tied up and in japan the art of tieing some one up is just that an art form.

~~ Believe me, I know all about Bondage.
because dita has a japanese bondage book
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Posts: 5278

Mibba Blog
December 26th, 2006 at 11:43am
This is actually pretty interesting. No seriously, I find this fascinating. I suppose there's nothing wrong with showing people sex as long as the viewers and sex-having-people are okay with it. Possibly, my issues with it come from the fact that I'm fifteen and have never had sex. But sometimes, the randomest things are considered pornographic and obscene and then, they're destroyed.

India, conservative as Indians may be, was one of the first civilizations to recognize the beauty of human sexual nature. There are several places near some Durga temples and caves and stuff, full of sculptures of nude models and intercourse. The Islamic invaders destroyed some and the British destroyed some. Now there's only a few left. This is getting off topic, but on a class trip, we saw a Jain worship place and a bunch of the sculptures has their penisis chiselled off. Anything can be considered obscene to people who don't understand the intent behind it, I suppose. And I don't really understand the purpose (and probably will not for a long time) of watching people have staged sex. It seems inappropriate and obscene to me. But then again, the adults on here obviously understand more than I do (not being sarcastic). So...I suppose I just have to keep the consent thing in mind.

Also, a lot of people are like "OMFG KAMA SUTRA IS PORN"... I never thought it was. Is it?
Lucifers Angel
King For A Couple Of Days
Lucifers Angel
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December 26th, 2006 at 11:44am
Lucifers Angel:

but if it is between two consenting adults domination is safe, many people have a secret word that they use if they feel its gone to far. Bondage again is ok if between adults, some men and indeed some women like being tied up and in japan the art of tieing some one up is just that an art form.

~~ Believe me, I know all about Bondage.
because dita has a japanese bondage book

i have to admit i have looked into why people like being dominated and it intrigues me.

But like i said porn can be done has a form of art just like erotic fiction is, i would like to know what peple thought of erotic fiction and the people who write it.
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
December 26th, 2006 at 11:47am
This is actually pretty interesting. No seriously, I find this fascinating. I suppose there's nothing wrong with showing people sex as long as the viewers and sex-having-people are okay with it. Possibly, my issues with it come from the fact that I'm fifteen and have never had sex. But sometimes, the randomest things are considered pornographic and obscene and then, they're destroyed.

India, conservative as Indians may be, was one of the first civilizations to recognize the beauty of human sexual nature. There are several places near some Durga temples and caves and stuff, full of sculptures of nude models and intercourse. The Islamic invaders destroyed some and the British destroyed some. Now there's only a few left. This is getting off topic, but on a class trip, we saw a Jain worship place and a bunch of the sculptures has their penisis chiselled off. Anything can be considered obscene to people who don't understand the intent behind it, I suppose. And I don't really understand the purpose (and probably will not for a long time) of watching people have staged sex. It seems inappropriate and obscene to me. But then again, the adults on here obviously understand more than I do (not being sarcastic). So...I suppose I just have to keep the consent thing in mind.

Also, a lot of people are like "OMFG KAMA SUTRA IS PORN"... I never thought it was. Is it?

lmfao lmfao sex-having-people lmfao thats my new favorite phrase. I think people try and censor things that don't need to be censored. There are things alot more graphic we could be hiding, yet we choose something like sex instead, doesnt make sense to me.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Posts: 5278

Mibba Blog
December 26th, 2006 at 11:47am
um...I like erotic fiction. Embarassed It's just...I dunno. There's something graceful about it. You know, the real ones, the well written novel-ish ones or short stories. Not the weird fanfictiony erotica things.
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
December 26th, 2006 at 11:49am
Lucifers Angel:

i have to admit i have looked into why people like being dominated and it intrigues me.

But like i said porn can be done has a form of art just like erotic fiction is, i would like to know what peple thought of erotic fiction and the people who write it.
I think Erotic fiction is like any other form of porn (im trying to get out of using that word seeing as how it means something obscene.. but its habit really)
However, I have problems with 11 year old kids writting the stuff, and then posting it all over live journal, I dont even see how thats legal.