This Is Like, Such A Bummer.

Plug In Baby.
Plug In Baby.
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 11334
April 9th, 2007 at 11:32pm
Lucifers Angel:

have you ever been shopping in a mall and there are loads and loads of kids running wround and swearing, its not a nice expierence, ok 3;00 is a bit soon, people have a right to be able to go shopping without the worry of having kids runnng around and shouting and swearing, and dropping litter all over the place. (yes i know adults drop litter aswell)

Yes, actually, I have.

I don't go running around in malls, and swearing, thank you very much. Just because I'm a teenager doesn't mean I automatically do that. As for the whole "shouting and swearing and dropping litter all over the place", well, it may just be where I come from, but I know many an adult that does exactly the same thing.

How are they going to distinguish between the shoppers and the hanger-outers?

I mean, when I go to shop, I damn well make a day of it. I hit up the food court, window shop a bit, and I'm always there with a bunch of friends. But I go to buy things, and spend my money.

Seems a bit over the top, if you ask me. Why not just throw out the kids causing the problem?

See, here's a simple solution. Why isn't this being done? I mean, why punish everyone for what a few do? Why not just kick out the trouble makers?
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 540
April 10th, 2007 at 12:39am
It seems a bit drastic to me, expecially if they havent really tried anything else.
If it's inforced, it's going to push kids and teenagers out on the streets, or somewhere else where theyre "not wanted"
You can't stop kids from being kids, we've got to have SOMEWHERE to go.

Now I dont live in an area where this is being inforced, i actually dont think it applies to my country, but I still get the pooint. Kids and Teenagers "hang out" in the mall cause there isnt really anywhere else to go If you dont get into skatin or swimming.

Lucifers Angel:

have you ever been shopping in a mall and there are loads and loads of kids running wround and swearing, its not a nice expierence, ok 3;00 is a bit soon, people have a right to be able to go shopping without the worry of having kids runnng around and shouting and swearing, and dropping litter all over the place. (yes i know adults drop litter aswell)

If the kids are dropping litter, they must of bought something, therefore not just loitering. And teenagers dont run around... were all far to lazy for that.
We all lean on walls and cigarette burn passing grannys. at least, thats what they must think were doing, for it to be disruptive.

I didnt think just standing somewhere was disruptive to shoppers...
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: -
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Posts: 3369
April 10th, 2007 at 01:30am
They shouldn't be enforcing lazy mall cops...
Basket Case
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 15914

April 12th, 2007 at 02:30pm
I used to live in Ottawa, Canada and once in the Rideau mall, my friend accidentally spilt poutine on me and I yell, in pain, mind you, because it was hot. Some cozzer came over and told us to leave because I yelled in pain. Do you know what happens after kids leave the mall? To walk to most of the other popular hanging out places or to most bus stops, one must past the pot place. Under this bypass, druggies always light up their weed and every day, you see little kids walking over to some guy with a bag of pot and having a joint. The mall is a much safer place to be. Period.