Feral Children

Basket Case
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 15581

January 27th, 2007 at 10:14pm
Feral children, also known as wild children or wolf children, are children who've grown up with minimal human contact, or even none at all. They may have been raised by animals (often wolves) or somehow survived on their own. In some cases, children are confined and denied normal social interaction with other people.

to some this may seem impossable but real cases have been reported the most recent is Rochom P'ngieng was lost in the Cambodian jungle at the age of eight when herding buffalo with her six-year-old sister (who also disappeared), and was discovered on 13 January 2007 after a villager noticed some of his food had been taken. He staked out the area and sighted a naked woman stealing his rice.

She was captured by villagers. She was unable to speak any intelligible language. She was recognised by her father, policeman Ksor Lu long, because of a scar on her back.

Apparently, she didn't like to wear clothes, shower, or use chopsticks at first, and is thus having difficulty re-adjusting to normal life.

one of the saddist cases is Genie, Genie is the name used for a feral child discovered by California authorities on November 4, 1970 in the Los Angeles suburb of Arcadia. Her real name remains private. She was the fourth (and second surviving) child to unstable parents. Her mother was partially blind due to cataracts and a detached retina, and her father was mentally unbalanced.

At the age of 20 months, Genie was just beginning to learn how to speak when a doctor told her family that she seemed to be developmentally disabled and possibly mildly retarded. Her father took the opinion to extremes, believing that she was profoundly retarded, and subjected her to severe confinement and ritual ill-treatment in an attempt to "protect" her.

Genie had spent her life locked in her bedroom. During the day, she was tied to a potty chair in diapers; and most nights, she was then bound in a sleeping bag and placed in an enclosed crib with a metal lid to keep her shut inside. Her father would beat her every time she vocalized and he barked and growled at her like a dog in order to keep her quiet; he also forbade his wife and son to ever speak to her. She became almost entirely mute.

Genie was discovered at the age of 13, when her mother ran away from her husband and took Genie with her. A social worker discovered them and thought that Genie was six or seven years old and possibly autistic. When it was revealed that she was actually 13 years old, the social worker immediately called her supervisor, who called the police. Her parents were charged with child abuse, and Genie was taken to a children's hospital in Los Angeles. Genie's mother, weak and almost blind, claimed she was herself a victim of abuse by Genie's father. The father committed suicide shortly after Genie's discovery. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genie_%28feral_child%29 - rest of it

www.feralchildren.com/en/index.php- more storys

personaly, i think its sad but i also think if people really want to live in the wild then they have the right to do so. i think alot of them have been abused or negelected and thats why they want to live alone with no other people.
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Posts: 449
January 28th, 2007 at 12:17am
There was another case like this not long ago.
A girl had been missing in the jungle for like 20 years and came out, couldn't speak and wanted to go back to the junge. I think these people would be terrorfying, but atleast they're still alive I guess.

The people that CHOOSE to live in the jungle, need desperate help and don't realize how dangerous it is. There's no food, wild animals, weird people etc.
Matt Smith
Matt Smith
Age: 33
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Posts: 31134

Mibba Blog
January 28th, 2007 at 08:16am
The people that CHOOSE to live in the jungle, need desperate help and don't realize how dangerous it is. There's no food, wild animals, weird people etc.

I'd say the Yanomami indegenous people of Venezuela and Brazil managed it well enough. Of course, they all need mental help. Any tribe that can live for millenia out in the great woods of the Amazon, of course, they all need mental treatment. Those poor idiots have noooooo idea that there is no food, wild animals, 'weird people'. Thats exactly why their tribes have lived for so long.

Yeah, your argument totally ignores the fact that there are functioning groups of people who live very good lives out in the forests. They may not be feral, but they have their own societies and ways of life. I think you are perhaps the one who 'does not realize' that just because a person does not have a TV, does not live in a nice suburb, does not eat packaged food and fast food and the closest they get to a wild animal is a stray cat, it does not make them stupid or ignorant or in need of desperate help.

I mean, who the hell are you to put down an entire civilization like that anyway.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 5278

Mibba Blog
January 28th, 2007 at 11:45am
There was another case like this not long ago.
A girl had been missing in the jungle for like 20 years and came out, couldn't speak and wanted to go back to the junge. I think these people would be terrorfying, but atleast they're still alive I guess.

The people that CHOOSE to live in the jungle, need desperate help and don't realize how dangerous it is. There's no food, wild animals, weird people etc.

Well, if you've lived in the jungle for so many years and have forgotten your parents and stuff, you can probably survive well enough. Lions and tigers are dangerous because they're predators, but they're more dangerous to us because we don't know how to handle them. Of course, they'd be slightly less dangerous-seeming to someone like Steve Irwin, because he knew how to handle them.

To someone who lives in the jungle, the wild is less dangerous because its their home. For all we know, to them it's as dangerous as a big comfy house. Do we realize that stairs are hazard? We use knives on regular basis and we could sustain severe damages. We can burn ourselves. We can get glass in our eye by replacing a lightbulb.

But we're accustomed. We know how to handle it. Same thing. Classic example: Mila from The Music of Dolphins by Karen Hesse. Mila lived with dolphins until she was four, sleeping on on the beach right by the water and spending her days in the water. She uses her fingers to untie nets and speaks with the dolphins. The story is told from her POV.

She's scared when the coast guard takes her away. The lab is dangerous to her. The people around her look scary and she wants to go back to her home, with the dolphins. They keep her for a long time and she meets a Mexican janitor and remembers a word from her childhood: abuelo. Eventually, she goes back to the dolphins. Read it and you'll know what I'm talking about. It's wonderful.
anti-christ of suburbia
anti-christ of suburbia
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 986

January 28th, 2007 at 01:29pm
those people who are lost as children and raised by animals, its sad, but they must have been happy with their adoptive families of animals, because they had survived thal long, and they are often miserable and ill-adapted when they are 'rescued' They usually die really young, i dont know why, and the ones who were lost really young never learn to speak. We dont see it that way, but they were obviously surviving and content, so why take them back into our world?
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Posts: 449
January 28th, 2007 at 01:45pm
The people that CHOOSE to live in the jungle, need desperate help and don't realize how dangerous it is. There's no food, wild animals, weird people etc.

I'd say the Yanomami indegenous people of Venezuela and Brazil managed it well enough. Of course, they all need mental help. Any tribe that can live for millenia out in the great woods of the Amazon, of course, they all need mental treatment. Those poor idiots have noooooo idea that there is no food, wild animals, 'weird people'. Thats exactly why their tribes have lived for so long.

Yeah, your argument totally ignores the fact that there are functioning groups of people who live very good lives out in the forests. They may not be feral, but they have their own societies and ways of life. I think you are perhaps the one who 'does not realize' that just because a person does not have a TV, does not live in a nice suburb, does not eat packaged food and fast food and the closest they get to a wild animal is a stray cat, it does not make them stupid or ignorant or in need of desperate help.

I mean, who the hell are you to put down an entire civilization like that anyway.

I'm not talking about the socities who live in the jungle.
I'm talking about the people who go there and are completely alone. I think you're totally missing my point and that there are wild animals that KILL there.

The girl that I was talking about who got lost in the jungle didn't have ANY human contact, so i'm not talking about the socitites and I didn't say they were stupid. Do you even know how to read?

If you think the jungle's so great then go live there yourself. Rolling Eyes
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 5278

Mibba Blog
January 28th, 2007 at 01:55pm
So were you like talking about people that just get up one day and decide they want to live in the jungle? Because then, you're right. They're stupid, because if you or I just go "Yo! Let's live in the wild" we will die or come running back out.

But if a four year old gets lost in the jungle and manages to survive for ten or fifteen years, he'll be fine. His family will be upset, but he'll live. He won't need "help". He'll just be isolated and isolate everyone else. It's more emotional than psychological.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 5278

Mibba Blog
January 28th, 2007 at 01:57pm
anti-christ of suburbia:
those people who are lost as children and raised by animals, its sad, but they must have been happy with their adoptive families of animals, because they had survived thal long, and they are often miserable and ill-adapted when they are 'rescued' They usually die really young, i dont know why, and the ones who were lost really young never learn to speak. We dont see it that way, but they were obviously surviving and content, so why take them back into our world?

Exactly my point. I mean, in some cases, the person remembers stuff and adapts eventually and is overjoyed to be with his family, but most of these people are like "Hand leave me alone." Because they don't want to be torn from somewhere they've lived and known for a major part of their lives.
Matt Smith
Matt Smith
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 31134

Mibba Blog
January 28th, 2007 at 02:01pm
I'm not talking about the socities who live in the jungle.
I'm talking about the people who go there and are completely alone.

You said nothing of the sort. You said;
The people that CHOOSE to live in the jungle, need desperate help and don't realize how dangerous it is.

The societies that live in the jungle choose to do so. Thus making my point valid, yes?

I think you're totally missing my point and that there are wild animals that KILL there.

Oh, boo hoo. Go tell that to the Yanomami. I sincerely doubt whether wild animals put them off. There are wild animals that KILL anywhere, not just the jungle.

Do you even know how to read?

Yep, I'm brilliant at it thanks.

If you think the jungle's so great then go live there yourself. Rolling Eyes

Basket Case
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Posts: 16494

Mibba Blog
January 28th, 2007 at 02:07pm
The people that CHOOSE to live in the jungle, need desperate help and don't realize how dangerous it is. There's no food, wild animals, weird people etc.

I'd say the Yanomami indegenous people of Venezuela and Brazil managed it well enough. Of course, they all need mental help. Any tribe that can live for millenia out in the great woods of the Amazon, of course, they all need mental treatment. Those poor idiots have noooooo idea that there is no food, wild animals, 'weird people'. Thats exactly why their tribes have lived for so long.

Yeah, your argument totally ignores the fact that there are functioning groups of people who live very good lives out in the forests. They may not be feral, but they have their own societies and ways of life. I think you are perhaps the one who 'does not realize' that just because a person does not have a TV, does not live in a nice suburb, does not eat packaged food and fast food and the closest they get to a wild animal is a stray cat, it does not make them stupid or ignorant or in need of desperate help.

I mean, who the hell are you to put down an entire civilization like that anyway.

I'm not talking about the socities who live in the jungle.
I'm talking about the people who go there and are completely alone. I think you're totally missing my point and that there are wild animals that KILL there.

The girl that I was talking about who got lost in the jungle didn't have ANY human contact, so i'm not talking about the socitites and I didn't say they were stupid. Do you even know how to read?

If you think the jungle's so great then go live there yourself. Rolling Eyes

Well if meg decided she did want to go live in a jungle lets think of the positives. Predators hunt for food., not pleasure or gain of wealth so the odds of being killed by another animal compare to inner city (including humans as the term animal) decreases.

The odds of catching extreme illness' such as malaria increases but other illness' such as cancer are brought on my unhealthy eating and other aspects such as smoking, something you can't do in the jungle, also the main food source in jungles is fruit so health wise she's gaining more nutriants.

Depression: not only a major problem in the modern world but also a cause of death, depression although sometimes genetic is brought on by your class structure, where you live your diet and social interaction. Although meg might feel lonely she would adapt to her new surroundings and would be less likely to suffer any other kind of depression in her new home.

Pollution, well this speaks for itself, tree's produce oxygen, jungles tend to have a healthier eco system. So healthier way of life.

So all in all Meg would live a more happier way of life in the jungle obviously no social interaction would be a bummer but hey she can make friends with some monkeys.
Basket Case
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 15914

January 29th, 2007 at 06:20am
There was that really famous case years ago, I forget where, somewhere in Eastern Europe I think. This boy came wandering into a gas station mini-mart kinda thing wandering around, looking dazzed. The owner of the store described him looking as if he spent his life in the dark and the sunny day was too bright for him. When he walked into the store, he was barely walking, more stumbling everwhere. There was a lit candle or a little flame in the store and this boy went over and just stuck his hand in it as if he had never seen fire before.

The clerk called the police who found upon further inspection, his heels of his feet where barely worn, as if he had almost never walked, he was squinting in normal light, like he had been living in the dark, and he couldn't speak at all.

A kind policeman took care of him and taught him the language. He said the boy was a fast learner. Once he was able to express himself enough, he told the police that he lived in a dark kind of cell and was fed two times a day. It was cool and he never saw anyone. Then suddenly, some few months after he had been found, his body was discovered stabbed to death in a park.

People still question if it was a hoax or if this boy had lived in confinment for his life. But there are other questions like why was he let out then? Where could he have been kept and by who? And why was he stabbed, did it even have anything to do with the boys past?
Basket Case
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 15581

February 4th, 2007 at 09:18pm
There was that really famous case years ago, I forget where, somewhere in Eastern Europe I think. This boy came wandering into a gas station mini-mart kinda thing wandering around, looking dazzed. The owner of the store described him looking as if he spent his life in the dark and the sunny day was too bright for him. When he walked into the store, he was barely walking, more stumbling everwhere. There was a lit candle or a little flame in the store and this boy went over and just stuck his hand in it as if he had never seen fire before.

The clerk called the police who found upon further inspection, his heels of his feet where barely worn, as if he had almost never walked, he was squinting in normal light, like he had been living in the dark, and he couldn't speak at all.

A kind policeman took care of him and taught him the language. He said the boy was a fast learner. Once he was able to express himself enough, he told the police that he lived in a dark kind of cell and was fed two times a day. It was cool and he never saw anyone. Then suddenly, some few months after he had been found, his body was discovered stabbed to death in a park.

People still question if it was a hoax or if this boy had lived in confinment for his life. But there are other questions like why was he let out then? Where could he have been kept and by who? And why was he stabbed, did it even have anything to do with the boys past?

as i said i think most of those kids have some kind of aweful history of abuse or something and thats why they want to live in jungle or of course the guy chould have been a nutcase who just stabbes people Dno
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February 22nd, 2007 at 07:00pm
wow that is sad
Basket Case
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 15914

February 24th, 2007 at 09:40am
Did you know, there have been very accurately documented scientific studies on this, the proper size of a community that a person should be brought up in, to have their brain work at maximum efficiency and usage, is approximately 120 people. That is the proper amount of contact a person should have with people.

This is because the distractions of living a life in a city like most people, with a population in the thousands, over crowds the human brain. In one issue on The New York Times, there is more information than a 1600's pilgrim would ever have. The information over load almost irritates the brain making concentration very difficult even if it is a non-distracting environment.
Basket Case
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 15581

February 25th, 2007 at 01:02pm
Did you know, there have been very accurately documented scientific studies on this, the proper size of a community that a person should be brought up in, to have their brain work at maximum efficiency and usage, is approximately 120 people. That is the proper amount of contact a person should have with people.

This is because the distractions of living a life in a city like most people, with a population in the thousands, over crowds the human brain. In one issue on The New York Times, there is more information than a 1600's pilgrim would ever have. The information over load almost irritates the brain making concentration very difficult even if it is a non-distracting environment.

is that why rednecks are stupid?


i think it really depends those people are probably better at some things, usch as being able to survive in harsh conditions and reconizing natural signs of stuff such as when bad weather will come, but if they where to take a IQ test it whould unsuprisingly ,be low
Basket Case
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 15914

February 26th, 2007 at 12:45pm
Thunder 34:
Did you know, there have been very accurately documented scientific studies on this, the proper size of a community that a person should be brought up in, to have their brain work at maximum efficiency and usage, is approximately 120 people. That is the proper amount of contact a person should have with people.

This is because the distractions of living a life in a city like most people, with a population in the thousands, over crowds the human brain. In one issue on The New York Times, there is more information than a 1600's pilgrim would ever have. The information over load almost irritates the brain making concentration very difficult even if it is a non-distracting environment.

is that why rednecks are stupid?


i think it really depends those people are probably better at some things, usch as being able to survive in harsh conditions and reconizing natural signs of stuff such as when bad weather will come, but if they where to take a IQ test it whould unsuprisingly ,be low
No, they are better at learning because their brains are in an environment suitable to cope with. They are more logical. They have a keener mind, and their IQ's should be much higher than average if they could learn the kind of crap put on those things.
Basket Case
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 15914

February 26th, 2007 at 12:46pm
Besides which, rednecks don't get educated. Apart from the Bible or their family members.
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 959
March 2nd, 2007 at 12:54pm
The two most interesting cases I found out about Feral children is of Oxana Malaya and Genie.
Oxana Malaya was raised with dogs until the age of 9 due to neglect by her parents, and she slept outside in the dog kennel. When she was found, she would only bark and run on hands and knees, veeery dog-like. within a year though, she had been treated and was able to speak due to knowing language before the ordeal Smile.
Genie though, was kept in complete solitary confinement, being tied to a potty chair in the dark until the age of 12. She had no idea of language and could hardly walk when she was found, and she never managed to master even basic language skills as she was too old to learn.

^^ that's VERY informative about feral children and both cases I have mentioned. =]
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 959
March 2nd, 2007 at 12:56pm
-just realised the author of this topic wrote about Genie anyway-
oh well xD