Books like Al Franken's and Sean Hannity's are probably biased. I would like to believe otherwise, but they probably are. So if you read facts from there, how about not using them as a source? Check out the source yourself. If the book's any good at all, it'll cite its sources somewhere. Look them up and cite them for us. But ol' Mikey Moore holds little sway here.
My two cents for you.
if you use a reference, make sure that it also has references
like at the end of a wikipedia article the well-written ones have sources at the bottom, and always includes sources at the bottom of their articles
just make sure that you use secondary sources as well
Sweet, I get applause from Nick. And yes, secondary is good...Wikipedia is not nearly as unreliable as people say, but it is faintly suspect. So yeah, what Nick said, look up the osurces for your source. And by the time you get done looking up all your sources, the thread will be dead...but you'll be smarter.
Umm... is another self-harm info site. It explains a lot about it, how to stop it, and prevent it
I have a lot more site links dealing with this topic, too.
Mycophobia Basket Case Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 15581
October 29th, 2006 at 07:46pm
thanks alot
Mycophobia Basket Case Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 15581
October 29th, 2006 at 07:49pm
hey folks: I had a thought.
Books like Al Franken's and Sean Hannity's are probably biased. I would like to believe otherwise, but they probably are. So if you read facts from there, how about not using them as a source? Check out the source yourself. If the book's any good at all, it'll cite its sources somewhere. Look them up and cite them for us. But ol' Mikey Moore holds little sway here.
My two cents for you.
just beacuase they have a opinion doesnt mean they lie
i mean Sean Hannity lies duh, so does Bill O-rielly and lot of people but that doesnt mean all people with a opinion lie.
NeoSteph Basket Case Age: 37 Gender: Female Posts: 16494
November 8th, 2006 at 08:16pm
~[teh dumbass returns]~:
hey folks: I had a thought.
Books like Al Franken's and Sean Hannity's are probably biased. I would like to believe otherwise, but they probably are. So if you read facts from there, how about not using them as a source? Check out the source yourself. If the book's any good at all, it'll cite its sources somewhere. Look them up and cite them for us. But ol' Mikey Moore holds little sway here.
My two cents for you.
just beacuase they have a opinion doesnt mean they lie
i mean Sean Hannity lies duh, so does Bill O-rielly and lot of people but that doesnt mean all people with a opinion lie.
your right it doesn't make them liars.
But opinions are never fact.
Mycophobia Basket Case Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 15581
December 10th, 2006 at 01:00pm
~[teh dumbass returns]~:
hey folks: I had a thought.
Books like Al Franken's and Sean Hannity's are probably biased. I would like to believe otherwise, but they probably are. So if you read facts from there, how about not using them as a source? Check out the source yourself. If the book's any good at all, it'll cite its sources somewhere. Look them up and cite them for us. But ol' Mikey Moore holds little sway here.
My two cents for you.
just beacuase they have a opinion doesnt mean they lie
i mean Sean Hannity lies duh, so does Bill O-rielly and lot of people but that doesnt mean all people with a opinion lie.
your right it doesn't make them liars.
But opinions are never fact.
yes but they often state facts or things they think are facts
Books like Al Franken's and Sean Hannity's are probably biased. I would like to believe otherwise, but they probably are. So if you read facts from there, how about not using them as a source? Check out the source yourself. If the book's any good at all, it'll cite its sources somewhere. Look them up and cite them for us. But ol' Mikey Moore holds little sway here.
My two cents for you.
just beacuase they have a opinion doesnt mean they lie
i mean Sean Hannity lies duh, so does Bill O-rielly and lot of people but that doesnt mean all people with a opinion lie.
This has been stated before, but I feel the need to defend my posts!
I have no problem with people's opinions, but with people like Mikey and Al and Bill and Rush, you never know just how fair and balanced they're being. They have agendas up the wazoo, and I just feel that citing any of them as a source ("I heard it on the O'Reilly Factor" is not a good idea. Use a newspaper, use an encyclopedia, use actual government documents! Any of those are SO much better than taking a pundit's word for it.
It seems as reliable as Wiki. Just be prepared to have to do more than just go there. You need to verify what other people are telling you...
spill_no_sick Falling In Love With The Board Age: 30 Gender: - Posts: 8588
January 16th, 2007 at 04:27pm
I died without a name:
hey folks: I had a thought.
Books like Al Franken's and Sean Hannity's are probably biased. I would like to believe otherwise, but they probably are. So if you read facts from there, how about not using them as a source? Check out the source yourself. If the book's any good at all, it'll cite its sources somewhere. Look them up and cite them for us. But ol' Mikey Moore holds little sway here.
My two cents for you.
just beacuase they have a opinion doesnt mean they lie
i mean Sean Hannity lies duh, so does Bill O-rielly and lot of people but that doesnt mean all people with a opinion lie.
"just because they severely screw up their facts to prove their opinion, doesn't mean that these uber-liberals are liars....but of course their conservative counterparts are!"
the substance of your argument should not be a quote from some comedian or political icons because none of them are intelligent when it comes to politics
now, if you're doing something like quoting South Park at the end of your message to try to put your opinion into perspective then it's fine. or if you quote someone famous and build on then it's fine. Otherwise it's just regurgitating shit that others force-fed you and no one with a valid opinion when try to force it on you.
Mycophobia Basket Case Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 15581
April 8th, 2007 at 01:26pm
I died without a name:
hey folks: I had a thought.
Books like Al Franken's and Sean Hannity's are probably biased. I would like to believe otherwise, but they probably are. So if you read facts from there, how about not using them as a source? Check out the source yourself. If the book's any good at all, it'll cite its sources somewhere. Look them up and cite them for us. But ol' Mikey Moore holds little sway here.
My two cents for you.
just beacuase they have a opinion doesnt mean they lie
i mean Sean Hannity lies duh, so does Bill O-rielly and lot of people but that doesnt mean all people with a opinion lie.
"just because they severely screw up their facts to prove their opinion, doesn't mean that these uber-liberals are liars....but of course their conservative counterparts are!"
the substance of your argument should not be a quote from some comedian or political icons because none of them are intelligent when it comes to politics
now, if you're doing something like quoting South Park at the end of your message to try to put your opinion into perspective then it's fine. or if you quote someone famous and build on then it's fine. Otherwise it's just regurgitating shit that others force-fed you and no one with a valid opinion when try to force it on you.
no im saying that some of those people lie some dont.
Bones Falling In Love With The Board Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 5734
April 14th, 2007 at 05:30pm
i need to find some stuff on the use of recombinant bST to increase milk production in cows
would anyone know of any useful stuff, i need a lot of diagrams and "visual representations"