Women in the Navy

King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 2940

June 22nd, 2011 at 04:02pm
John Entwistle:
I thought about joining the Navy...But since I had been diagnosed with depression and A.D.D. and took meds for them I couldn't join until a year after I started taking the meds. TO ME THAT'S NOT RIGHT

I wanted to be a Marine, but can't because I have Psoriasis :/

I see why though.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Posts: 7651
June 28th, 2011 at 01:16pm
A woman in my family was in the Navy and was raped.
Maybe they want to do it for the safety of women?
But that is insinuating that men don't get raped, which they very well can be.
Great Success!
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Posts: 59161

June 28th, 2011 at 06:37pm
I appreciate that men and women are different. I know that that are gender roles etc, but Ugh, I just think that if a woman/women can complete the training with out extra help or consideration... isn't that equality?

I know you don't have to be a weak person (woman or man) to be raped, but you can get raped a lot of places, it shouldn't be a reason for women not being able to be/work somewhere.

the army isn't something that appeals to me, personally, but I feel that women should obv be able to join the navy, and if its so hard to be in this particular job/position, then I don't get why women are excluded.. I mean, Ugh, it just bugs me xD
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 2940

June 30th, 2011 at 06:21pm
James McAvoy.:
A woman in my family was in the Navy and was raped.
Maybe they want to do it for the safety of women?
But that is insinuating that men don't get raped, which they very well can be.

I know men can and do, but I just said women because this is about women.
But it is still important to point out that it happens to men as well.

It was just a wild guess as well.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 1808

May 24th, 2012 at 04:15am
Chris Hanson:
I was told by my friend (who's mom was in the military) that it's unsafe 'cause if a woman is on the battlefield and gets injured, but it's not lethal, and a man gets injured, but it is lethal, the medics will still go to the woman first 'cause they (and I quote my friend) "have less of a chance living then men."

Half of this makes sense. However.. wouldn't it be more logical to ditch the person who is lethally injured and is unlikely to ever recover (means that they die regardless of what you do) and just give them painkillers and collect them later and then go for the person who is not so lethally injured (for they will live when given treatment). As for the reproductive bit.. Saying that all women want kids and families is as unfair as saying that all men want kids and families. Some women want to be professional warriors and some men want to be stay-at-home dads. That's life, full of exceptions.
Great Success!
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Posts: 59161

May 24th, 2012 at 12:17pm
I don't think that people are necessarily "logical" in situations of war and where people can be lethally injured. If it's an emergency, you don't think "well, medic is 2 miles away, so the logical thing to do would be this, because then i can do that" etc, you need to do something, and quick.

In my philosophy class in high school, we discussed this (not about war, and not about women or men and who's the weakest, but comparable: "a grandfather (in his 80s) and his granddaughter (about 3 years old) are driving in a car, they swerve into the ocean/harbour somehow and are about to drown - who do you save?" ) and of course there isn't a "right" answer, because of course you'll be making assessments, but you're obviously not being logical if you're being shot at and have the responsibility of saving as many as you can.

Also, sometimes you can't see who's injured more than others (internal injuries), so even if you did have the time and the mindset to make that decision, you could also argue that you should try and save the lethally injured because if they get treatment as soon as possible, they can go on to live, and the ones that are not lethally injured can wait for the assistance because.. they're going to live anyway, right?