Tré And The Chocolate Factory, chapter 1

Jakob was annoying Billie Joe by complaining about not getting a chocolate bar that had a special surprise inside.
"Daddy, let me have the chocolate bar...PLEASE!"
"No, too much chocolate will give you cavities," Billie Joe said to his son. Jakob started giving his dad his famous puppy dog eyes, and then when he realized that his dad wasn't buying it, he had a massive fit in the middle of the food court, in front of a load of people. Everyone was looking at him, Billie Joe was getting more and more angry by the second.
"Fine, I'll get you the stupid chocolate bar,"
"Thank you daddy, I love you more than mummy, at the moment." Jakob hugged his dad's legs and smiled at him evilly and his green eyes twinkled.
When they had bought the chocolate bar, Jakob riped it open and found that his special prize was a golden block.
Jakob bit into the golden block,
"Daddy, you were right about cavities, owwwww my tooth!" He moaned!

**3 days later**

Adrienne was cleaning Jakob's room when she came across the golden block under his bed behind some chocolate bar wrappers.
"Hunny, what the HELL is this?" she said as Billie peeped around the corner.
"What's what sweetie?"
"This gold thingy with writing on it and teeth marks on it," Adrienne said waving the bar at Billie Joe's face.
"There's writing on it?" Billie Joe asked
"Yeah, it says, Hello kiddies, you've being specially selected to join me and have a tour of my choclate factory. Have a bonking time!" Adrienne said and Billie started to laugh as Adrienne's smile faded.
"There's a picture of Tré at the bottom"
"That's not Tré, that a monkey in a suit with a top hat, Tré don't wear no top hat," Billie Joe said, "It's got Tré's name on it."
Billie Joe's smile faded...
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