It's Comedy And Tragedy, chapter 18

There was 2 weeks till Rai's birthday, and Billie wanted to do something special. He decided to plan a birthday party for her. Inviting all her friends and family. He was distracted by his thoughts when Rai called out.

"Hey Billie, do you want to go get something to eat?"

"Damn Rai, you're always hungry!"

"Hey, I'm pregnant. I have to feed the both of us."

"Yea, once you have the baby, then what's your excuse?"

"I'm sorry, were you being funny?"

"Well I guess not."

"Okay, then lets go. I'm starving."

Billie smirked and grabbed his keys off the counter. They got in his car and drove off. When they found a nearby restaurant they walked in and sat in a booth.

"So, have you thought of any names for the baby?" asked Billie.

"No, not yet. I still have like 8 months, so I'm not too worried.

Billie nodded and took a sip of his water. The waitress came and took their orders. She wrote down the orders and walked away.

"So, the big 2-0 is coming up eh?"

"Yup." smiled Rai with a look of suspicion.

"Wow, I feel old."

"Aw, but you're a sexy old man."

"Tell me something I don't know." smirked Billie Joe.


Billie opened the door and flicked on the light.


All of Rai's family and and friends were there.

"Holy shit!" yelled Rai.

Everyone laughed at her reaction.


"Hey lil sis! Happy birthday!"

"Oh my god! I can't believe you're here!"

"Well, Billie called me and told me about the party, of course we couldn't miss it!" grinned Tracie.


"Oh yea...Rai, this is my boyfriend, Brandon."

"Hi, nice to meet you. Happy birthday by the way." said Brandon.

"Thanks, nice to meet you too."

About a half hour passed of everyone greeting the birthday girl. Rai was overwhelmed by all the people who showed up to celebrate her birthay. Drinks were served and everyone was having a relatively good time. At a quarter to 9, everyone was gathered in the kitchen. Tre turned the lights off. Billie Joe walked in carrying a big cake, on top was a small velvet box surrounded by candles. At the sight of the cake, Rai's jaw dropped. Billie started singing Happy Birthday, then everyone joined in. When they finished singing, Billie placed the cake on the table and took the box from the cake. He bent down on one knee. Rai's face turned a bright shade of red.

"Rai, from the moment I saw you in the backstage room, I knew there was something about you, something great. I know we've had our differences in the past, but I want to set all that aside. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much Rai, and if i ask for anything from you, it would be this. Will you do me the honor of being my wife, and make me the happiest man alive?"

At first Rai didn't know what to say. All of her insides were screaming "yes!" but she couldnt seem to form the words in her mouth.

"Would you hurry the fuck on up! The candles are melting and they're gonna get all over the cake!" screamed Tre with a smile.

Rai glared at Tre and turned back to Billie.

"YES!" she said.

Billie got up and pulled her into a hug, then kissed her passionately. He whispered in her ear,

"Okay, now blow your candles out."

"Don't forget to make your wish!" screamed Mike.

"My wish already came true." said Rai with a smile. She turned around and in one big breath, blew out all the candles.

"Quite the blower you got there, Billie." grinned Tre.

"Aren't you jealous as fuck?" replied Billie.

Billie smiled and pulled Rai into another kiss.
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