You erased yourself, so shut up!, chapter 14

"Before you say anything, I know you hate me, and I'm sorry, you're my best mate Tre, we shouldn't be like this."
"Correction; you were my best mate, until you turned traitor!"
Tre got up, picking up his bag and helmet.
"Tre, wait, please..."
"And it's Frank to you," he spat at his former friend as he fished the quad keys out of his pocket. "Only my friends get to call me Tre."
He jumped on the quad and sped off before Jessie could say anymore.

"Nice one; that prick didn't deserve any attention."
"Don't you think it was a bit rash?"
"Well, yeah, I did."

Later that night, Tre was out in his shed, banging away at his kit, playing nothing in particular, just enjoying the feeling, when there was a knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
"It's dad, come inside, there's someone on the phone for you."
"Who is it?"
"I think you should come in Frank."
He got up and left the shed, following his dad inside with a puzzled look on his face. He picked up the phone.
"Frank, is that you? It's Annabelle, Jessie's mom. Have you seen him?"
"Not since about 2 this afternoon, why?"
"It's just he's not come home, and he's not been himself lately, I'm a bit worried is all."
Tre looked up at the clock; it had just gone 9pm.
"Tell you what, I'll jump on my quad and go see if I can see him for you, I'll phone and let you know."
"Oh, would you? Thank you ever so much Frank, I knew I could count on you, Jessie's so lucky to have a friend like you."
"I'd better go, in case he's in trouble."
"Of course, thank you again, bye."
Tre hung up, then headed out the back door.
"Am going to look for Jessie, I'll explain when I get back!"
Too late, Tre was off.

"Wait, you went looking for him?"
Mike was staring incredulously at Tre; Billie just looked plain shocked.
"Yeah, his mom was so upset, and he'd been my friend for years, I couldn't just leave him..."
"You were one fucked up child, Tre."

"Jessie? Jessie, are you there, can you hear me?"
Tre looked around, not seeing anything. He pulled a flashlight from his backpack and turned it on.
He saw a shadow off to his left, and set off.
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