Violence of Summer, chapter 1

Authors note: Just so you're aware peeps, I am aware that Mike and Billie had dropped out/finished High School before they started the band with Tre, but this just made things more easier, is fan fiction you know

A very weird little pair of friends were walking along the pavement under the hot Californian sun one day enjoying the fulfilment of the beach on the bay and trying very hard to get as much sun as they possibly could. One was short and had light brown hair that she had attempted to curl that morning with not so much success. After all it was 1990 and the New Romantic stage had somewhat passed a couple of years ago. The pair had, had enough Human League and Wham! to last them a lifetime. And well... this was Berkley. She was bouncing along wearing a short skirt with her favourite pair of shoes... the silver converses with pink laces. Also she had on a t-shirt that had un-intelligible words on it that looked like they had been spray painted onto the white t-shirt carelessly. Despite that... she was the coolest thing ever, and she had a certain beauty about her... hence she had no make up on... apart from a tint of shimmering lip gloss.

Her name was Charlie. (Well her name was Charlotte but if anyone ever called her that they'd get a slap on the back of the head.)

The other one however was slightly taller then Charlie and was of a paler ... .type. She was blessed with beautiful blue eyes and had long red hair which she usually let fall freely... (She just couldn't be arsed to do anything with it.) She wore a pair of ripped jeans and the word 'COOL BRITTANIA' written on the side with a tip-ex pen. They liked Britain... they were not British however. Anywho, getting back to describing these wonderful eighteen year old girls, she also wore a tank-top that was plain and simple purple. Different to Charlie, this girl liked to wear make-up, and had a dark shade of green on her eyelids along with deep eyeliner and mascara to finish off the touch.

Her name was Sid. (Well her name was Syndey but you know, yet again if anyone called her that, they'd get a kick... in the shin)

On the other side of the beach were three boys who were familiar with the girls and were waiting for them to arrive.

The first boy was of a short nature, he had blue eyes that stood out like diamonds, though when he got angry or pissed off they were more like... erm... sapphires I dunno... He had striking green hair that he had gelled up in odd places. He wore, on this lovely hot summer's day a pair of black pinstripe trousers and a funky silver studded belt. Along with that a pair of converses he kept kicking the sand with and a t-shirt and a pair of sunglasses to make him look 'cool'... hence the name...

Tre Cool... (HIS name is actually Frank Edwin Wright the third BUT, he enjoyed being Tre Cool.)

The second boy was also of a short nature (they weren't a very tall bunch) He had green eyes that he liked to make stand out better by putting eyeliner on. They twinkled as he looked into the sunlight stretching his skinny arms over his head then running a hand through his newly died blue hair. (They liked to dye their hair outrageous colours... well after all they were punks). He yawned loudly before burping making Tre and the other young man chuckle at him. This young boy wore a t-shirt that he had written 'Stupid' on, himself with an arrow pointing up at his face. Today he just wore his simple pair of jeans along with, yet again the tattered and worn out converses. (Converses are popular ey?)

His name was Billie Joe... ... ... ... (Yeah it actually IS Billie Joe)

The other young man who had slumped down onto the sand next to the two boys was, somewhat taller than the other two. He was still skinny and lanky and had dirty blonde hair that fell over his forehead in an 'I don't care' sort of way. He looked down at his plain white tank top sighing out deeply smoothing out the sand beneath him with his jeans that had a few paperclips stuck in them here and there. HE wasn't wearing converses... today he decided to wear shoes... ... ... ... His converses wear in the wash because he had stepped in dog shit the other day. His name was,

Mike Dirnt, and err... well his name is a whole other story I won't go into right now because d'you know what I just can't be arsed!

Anywho these three boys were in, what they'd like to call 'a band.' Tre was their latest addition and they had just started to record a rather odd album named 'Kerplunk.'

As you can imagine, Tre Cool was the great and wonderful drummer of this band. Billie Joe was guitar player and singer and that of course leaves Mike to play bass.

As the three guys patiently waited for the girls to arrive they decided to pass the time by having a burping match. Kinda like them to come up with something like that.

Now Charlie and Sid were long time friends with the two punks Billie and Mike. After all they went to school together... hung out together, went to Gilman Street together... and now that Tre had joined the band well the two girls became familiar with the, horny/weird/funny, drummer. He was humorous and fitted in easily. Well, he had been in Berkley for quite a while now... a weird bunch of friends you could call them. The five noble friends they called themselves...

Charlie and Sid finally reached the three boys who were still burp fighting as Sid scrunched her nose.

"What a way to pass time." Sid said cocking an eyebrow.

"Well you took you're fuckin' time didn't you girls." Mike said pulling himself up off the ground brushing off the sand that had clung to his pants.

"We were enjoying the sunshine." Charlie smiled waving a hand in the air imitating a weather girl.

"So are you ready boys?" Sid said putting her hands on her waist.

"Fuck yeah!" Tre said slapping his hands together. "This is gonna be fuckin' awesome."

"Alright for you!" Billie said pushing Tre in the shoulder. "You don't go to school there do you? This is so fucking risky. What if we get expelled!?"

"Oh be real." Charlie scoffed. "Since when did you care so much about school BJ?"

"I don't." Billie shrugged. "But I'd rather drop out then be chucked out."

"Yeah well tough titties, we did our dare now you boys gotta do yours."

"Come on Bill, if the school finds out then I'll take the blame." Tre said putting his arm around Billie's shoulders.

"Yeah I don't want no shit put on me either." Mike said raising his hands in front of him in defense. "If this get's out it was your idea." He said pointing at Charlie and Sid.

"Excuse me!?" Charlie said standing up straight trying to be taller then Mike... which obviously didn't work because Charlie was even smaller than Tre. "I'd like to finish High School thank you very much."

"Yeah well so would I!" Mike said pinching her.

"Don't. Pinch. Me." Charlie said grabbing Mike's arm about to bite into it.

"Okay come on, enough of the kinky biting and let's just get this done and over with... " Tre said grabbing Charlie quite easily picking her up by the waist pulling her away from Mike.

The five teenagers made their way across the beach all the while talking about 'the dare', Charlie moaning at Tre for slapping her ass too hard and Mike complaining that the two should 'get a room'.

By the time they had got to the High School Charlie was being piggy-backed by Tre, and Mike and Billie had their arms thrown over Sid's shoulders.

"Got the spray paint?" Charlie asked.

"Check." The three boys said, only Tre being enthusiastic about it.

"Right. Know what you've gotta write?"

"Yup." They all said again.

"Good good." Charlie said jumping off Tre's back. "So let's do it."

"Wait we're doing this round the back right?" Mike asked cautiously.

Sid and Charlie shot each other a glance then shrugged nodding at Mike as he let out a sigh of relief.

They all went round to the back of the school creeping under the fence that had been un-wired by kids over the years. They stood amongst the trees for a moment or two before Tre turned around to look at them.

"Last one to the other side of the field has to suck my dick."

All five of them started sprinting across the field as Tre laughed at all of them getting to the opposite side first.

"YES THANK FUCKING GOD!" Billie shouted falling onto the floor next to Tre who was laughing hysterically.

Second was Sid who lay down next to Billie as the three of them watched Mike and Charlie tackle it out. Charlie was last and pushed Mike for running faster than her.

"You gotta suck my dick now Chaz." Tre smirked putting his arm around her pulling her closer to him.

"Like that's ever gonna happen!" she panted. "Anyway that was un-fair you knew I was the slowest runner." Charlie said pinching his nipple.

"Ow!" Tre giggled. "No I didn't, I thought I was... "

"Whatever." Charlie said rolling her eyes. Tre just laughed slapping her ass again as Charlie turned around hitting Tre on the arm.

"Right," Billie started getting up and pulling a spray can out of the back of his pocket. "Let's get this done and over with."

"Yeah I second that." Mike said pulling a can out of his back pocket as Tre did the same.

"We'll watch out for ya. If we see someone coming... we all peg it across the field got it." Sid said to the boys.

They nodded shaking their cans with a look of slight menace and excitement on their faces.

"There's the wall... now go do what you gotta do."

"Hehehe... " Tre giggled. "This is so much fun... god I wish I could be there on Monday to see the principals face." He smirked as he started spraying the wall spelling out the words 'Principal Fuckwit sucks my dick.'

"Yeah you know now I come to think of it... I can't fucking wait either." Billie snickered drawing out the 'A' representing 'Anarchy' then spraying 'Principal Fuckwit waxes his ass hairs.'

Mike couldn't stop giggling as he drew his penis with the traditional three squirts coming out of it then pointing an arrow towards it putting 'Mr Harley's cock isn't even half the size of this baby... '

"Oh my god that is brilliant!" Tre said by this time laughing hysterically.

"Guys!" Charlie suddenly said from behind them loudly.

"What?" Billie said turning around.

Charlie paused looking at what the boys had done on the wall. "Nice." She nodded. "Okay now you gotta do the other thing and quick before someone catches our asses."

"You mean our asses!" Mike said pointing at him and Billie.

"Just do it quick." Charlie said giggling.

"You just wanna see it." Tre smiled as Charlie stuck her tongue out at him.

The three boys sighed not being able to stop giggling as the three of them turned around un-zipped their pants and started peeing on the wall.

"Oh god... " Tre moaned. "I've been busting all fuckin' day."

"Nice." Mike mumbled shaking off the last bit of tinkle before placing 'it' back in his pants and doing himself up. "I'm done." Mike said clapping his hands.

"Same here." Billie said doing himself up, before making his way over to Charlie.

"YOU GUYS!" Sid suddenly shouted.

"What?" Mike and Billie said at the same time.

"Janitor alert!! We gotta get the fuck outta here!"

"Holy shit!" Billie and Mike started running towards the field but Charlie stopped waiting for Tre who was still peeing.

"Jesus Christ Tre how long did you hold that piss in for!?" She said said frustrated as the others had already ran half way across the field.

"All fucking day!" Tre said impatiently.

"Tre come the fuck on!" Charlie shouted.

"Alright I'm done I'm done!" Tre said quickly zipping up his pants.

Charlie rolled her eyes grabbing Tre's arm dragging him across the field as the both of them ran as fast as they could. When they were finally behind the bunch of trees where no one could find them Charlie collapsed on the floor as Tre fell down beside her.

"Fuck that was close!" Charlie said loudly lying on her back.

"Where did the others go?" Tre asked after he had got his breath back.

"I dunno they ran off, fucking chickens."

Tre looked around him then rolled over on top of Charlie pinning her down.

"Get off me!" Charlie squirmed trying not to laugh. Deep down she didn't really want Tre to get off but... she wasn't really that type of girl, she was gonna play hard to get.

"We're alone in the trees behind a high school let's do something kinky." He said, his eyebrows dancing.

"In your fucking dreams." Charlie said trying to get up.

"Yup." Tre smiled and started to tickle her.

"TREEEE!" Charlie screamed. "GET. OFF. ME!" she panted while trying to squirm from underneath him and laughing at the same time.

"Umm, excuse me." A voice suddenly said.

The two on the floor turned their heads to see Mike looking at the two of them his eyebrow raised.

"I can here you two from like a mile away. You're gonna blow our cover."

"I never can keep 'em quiet." Tre said getting up off Charlie taking her hand helping her up. "I'm just so god damn good."

Mike rolled his eyes at the two of them. "Get a room." He mumbled as Charlie blushed wanting to hit herself knowing that she had gone a slight shade of pink.

"Maybe we should." Tre whispered in her ear as they followed Mike off the school grounds.

Charlie just nudged Tre in the stomach with her elbow as he giggled and started dancing around her singing,

"Like a virgin,
Touched for the very first time" (while touching and tickling her in the stomach)
"Like a viiiiiiiiirgin,
With you're heartbeat,
Next to mine!"


Charlie made her way into school on Monday morning watching her brother throw a football at some girl hitting her in the face.

She rolled her eyes shaking her head watching as the girl he had just hit, throw the football back at him getting him right in the nuts. Charlie chuckled watching her brother's face redden up as he held onto his crotch. What a loser... she thought to herself.

Just then a couple of shouts and lots of talking and murmuring came from behind one of the school mobiles.

Charlie walked over to where all the commotion was happening and made her way through the crowd of people that were laughing and whispering. She smiled seeing the spray-painted wall everyone was pointing at and snickering.

"Can you believe this?" Mike suddenly said from behind Charlie. She turned around laughing at him. "I mean what kind of sick person would do this!" Mike said pointing at the wall.

Charlie couldn't help but laugh even harder, as teachers started coming out onto the field trying to calm everyone down.

"What is all this!?" A loud male voice suddenly said behind all the kids and everyone started laughing as Principal Huckwit (Everyone called him Fuckwit) made his way through the crowd. "What the-" he looked at the writing for a long time then turned around to face all the students that were now waiting for him to explode or something. Billie and Sid quickly appeared next to Charlie and Mike who were, at this point, trying very hard not to burst out laughing.

"Everyone to their classrooms. NOW! Or you all get after school detention the whole school, for an hour!"

People quickly squirmed off to their classroom scurrying away quickly as the Principal pulled the janitor over and started talking to him.

"Now that was worth every moment of watching his face get redder and redder with each line he read!" Billie said laughing his head off.

"That was more than worth it!" Sid laughed. "That was fucking great! Shit I wish I had a camera so I could've taken a picture of his face to show Tre."

Charlie sighed as the bell went and shifted her back pack. "I got double science with Mr fuckin' Harley. See you dudes at break."

"Chaz just bunk it off." Billie suggested.

Charlie turned around skewing her mouth to one side for a minute or two. "What are you doing Sid?"

"Double English I'm not missing that. That's the only subject I'm good at."

"Come on Chaz I got gym and it sucks, I don't wanna bunk off on my own, we'll go sit out on the field and smoke pot. I know you want you." Billie said smiling.

"Well while you two argue that out I gotta get goin' I got Biology and ass wipe Dickson said if I'm late again he's failing me. See you guys at break." Mike said turning around.

"Yeah me too, hey Mike wait up." Sid called catching up with Mike as they walked into the High School building.

"Sooo... " Billie said looking at Charlie. "Go to double Science with Harley," Billie started, holding out one hand. "Or, come and get stoned with me?" he put out his other hand weighing the suggestion.

"Yeah 'kay I'll come and get stoned with you." Charlie smiled pushing Billie by the arm as she followed him across the school grounds and onto the field.

As they passed the mobile that had been spray painted they couldn't help but burst out laughing at Mike's artistic penis.


She looked over to Tre who kept flicking Charlie's skirt up with his drum stick giggling to herself as she knelt down on the floor trying very hard to roll up the cigarette she was making an attempt at. She finally got it down smiling at her achievement sticking the what Charlie liked to call it 'death stick' in her mouth lighting it carefully.

"Dude!" Billie shouted after a while at Tre. Tre stopped as Charlie grabbed his stick of him whacking him on the arm with it.

"Are you playing in this fucking band or trying and get a glimpse at Charlie's hot pants!?" he asked impatiently.

"I already did." Tre smirked. "They're pink."

"Perv." Charlie said throwing the stick at Tre as it hit his chest and he caught it just in time before it bounced off onto the floor.

"Come on guys I wanna get this practice over and done with before mom gets home." Billie said strumming his guitar.

"Yeah alright let's do this!" Tre shouted.

Billie straightened out his microphone stand winking at the girls as Charlie slumped down on the sofa next Sid waving the smoke away from her face frustratedly. The boys started playing My Generation by The Who, that they were gonna decide to cover and put on the album.

After about an hour of practicing Charlie had almost fallen asleep on Sid's lap (despite the fact that the boys were making so much noise it was almost impossible for anyone to fall asleep) but Charlie could sleep through anything. Sid was playing on Billie Joe's game boy and Tre had decided he had finally had enough.

"Guy's I'm really fuckin' hungry and worn out. Let's go get a pizza or somethin'." He suggested.

"Did I just here somethin' to do with food." Charlie said getting up groggily.

"Jeez anything to do with food or sex you're up for it." Mike said rolling his eyes while taking his bass off his shoulders.

"Just like Tre." Billie said as Tre put on a cheesy grin like he always did when he knew someone was talking about him.

"You two were made for each other... " Sid said putting the game boy aside.

"No thanks... " Charlie scoffed. "I don't wanna go out with Tre he's a jackass."

"I am here you know!" Tre said waving.


"Aaah... young love... " Billie said holding a hand to his heart over dramatically.

"Whatever... " Charlie mumbled rolling her eyes.

"Are we gonna get a pizza then or sit here all night and talk about how Chaz and Tre should get a room?" Mike said finally.

"No we fuckin' well ain't." Charlie said standing up. "We're gonna go get somethin' to eat!"

"Yeah I'm all for that!" Sid said standing up brushing crumbs off her trousers that had stuck to her from the crappy sofa.

"Hey let's go to Taco Bell... " Charlie said feeling her stomach rumbling at the mention of food.

"I don't have the money for Taco Bell... " Billie said scowling.

"So I'll chav some money of my mom." Charlie shrugged. "Come on you can drive us there." Charlie said hitting Billie in the chest.

"As long as I don't have to sit in between you and Tre again!" Sid said loudly. "It's a fucking nightmare sitting next to you two!"

"He fucking starts it." Charlie said pointing at Tre.

Tre's mouth fell open as he gasped giving Charlie evils. "That is so mean... I never start anything you do with your cocky ass mouth."

"Fuck yoooou." Charlie said pushing Tre so he almost fell off his stool.

"See!" Tre said loudly getting off his stool.

Billie chuckled at the pair picking up his car keys off the table opening the garage. "'Kay let's go then."

Tre grabbed Charlie wrapping his arms around her tightly picking her up as she squealed and he laughed carrying her over to the car.

They all crammed in as Sid got in the front and Mike shoved Tre into the middle getting in closing the door.

"I don't like being in the middle... " Tre whined.

"How come?" Mike said shoving him over some more so he could get the window open. It was a hot night in October and the Californian sun had just started to set, a few stars were sparkling in the orangy blue sky above.

"'Cause I get car sick... " Tre said pouting.

"Quit being such a pussy Tre." Sid laughed as Billie started the engine.

"To your place Chaz?" Billie shouted over Tre and Mike arguing over who gets the middle seat.

"Yup!" Charlie shouted back.

"For crying out loud!" Charlie shouted pinching Tre hard in the arm. "Cut it out!"

"OW! Well you move to the middle then." Tre said nudging Charlie. "No I gotta get out in a minute!"

"Just shut the fuck up Tre and look out the front window. I am NOT sitting in between you and Charlie."

Tre giggled looking at Charlie and she couldn't help smiling herself. They finally got to Charlie's house where Billie pulled over and Charlie jumped out.

"Don't be long okay." Billie called as Charlie shook her head running up to her house. On the way she kicked her brother's soccer ball out of the way going to the front door swinging it open.

She went into the front room where her dad was sitting in his usual easy chair in a suit eating Doritos and watching some shitty game show on their new big ass TV. "Where's mom?" Charlie asked.

"Don't I get a hello first?"

"Yeah what-ever, where's mom?"

"Upstairs... "

Charlie sighed making her way upstairs passing her brother's bedroom going in to her mothers.

"Mom?" Charlie called opening the door slowly to find her mother wearing a face-mask with her hair in loads of curls painting her toe nails.

"Oh hi honey." She smiled. "How are you?"

"Yeah I'm good mom, can I have thirty bucks?"

"What do you want thirty bucks for Charlotte?"

Charlie sighed dropping her shoulders tilting her head at her mom. "Mom please don't call me that... "

"It's your name it's what I gave to you when you were born!"

"What-ever mom I just need thirty bucks please!"

Charlie's mom huffed out giving up ushering her hand over to her purse on the table. "There take it what-ever."

"Thanks mom." Charlie smiled yanking thirty dollars from her mom's purse then turning around making her way out of the house. She never did understand her odd family... maybe it was typical... weird... Tre thought her mom was awesome... but that Tre was weird himself after all.

"Okay I got thirty bucks." Charlie said hopping back in the car.

"Awesome." Billie said as they pulled off the sidewalk and drove off... into the distance...

The violence of summer, and love's taking over, it starts with desire, ends up under cover - Violence of summer - Duran Duran.
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