You Killed Me... Are You Happy?, chapter 1

It was the summer of 1988...

"Two more hours and I won't see Billie for a two months, I'll be FREE from him, I'll be free from my abusive 'boyfriend' " Hanna thought to herself.

Hanna was sitting in her desk in math class Billie was sitting behind her, Hanna could feel his warm breath on her neck. Even though Hanna would have a two month break from Billie she knew she would NEVER escape from his their mom's are best friends they first met each other in grade 5 and ever since Billie has been horrible to Hanna. The bell rang and it was time for Hanna's next class, she quickly shoved her textbooks in her backpack and was ready to leave until the teacher asked her t ocome over

" Miss walker.. I've noticed that you and Mr. Armstrong have gotten... close with each other... Hanna, is he forcing you to do something you don't want him to?
Mrs. Haynes asked Hanna

" No,No,No of course not he is a very good boyfriend and he wouldn't do ANYTHING to hurt me.." Hanna said with a fake smile 'LIE that was such a LIE he does hurt me he really,really does' Hanna thought to herself

" Well Miss. Walker, if your sure.. just keep your relationship some other place than the school grounds.." Mrs. Haynes said with her usual smile

"Ok" Hanna said and she was out the door until two arms wrapped aroung her waist and Billie presses up against her

" Billie, don't everyone will see us" Hanna said sadly as tears started to well up in her eyes.

" Oh, don't worry babe..I'll take care of that.." Billie Joe said as her grabbed Hanna's hand and shoved her in the closet. Making sure no one was watching Billie went in the closet witn Hanna... Probably to abuse her even more...
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